Monday, July 10, 2023

Curse, with a twist

Do you know the kind of spells to make someone stay away from you? They're usually considered curses because the target needs to be blocked from approaching you, which often implies they would suffer to some extent for that to occur. They may get sick, suffer an accident, have their schedule messes up, or simply get into all sorts of trouble, experiences that would keep them busy and prevent them from getting near you.

But that's not always the case. I found that every so often such spells to have a blessing-in- disguise effect on the target. This may not happen constantly and the target can experience situations alternating from horrible to pretty cool. Naturally, this depends on a myriad of circumstances and if you've been involved into practical occult for some time I imagine you wouldn't need me to go into it more.

A good example I have happened recently when I cast one such spell on a human leech who kept getting close to me because he thought I was going to give him free beer and smokes. I'm talking about a lowlife kind of person who doesn't work, but instead is living off of others' mercy and (I imagine he'd think) some kind of sense of comradery. The issue here is his constant begging for beer and smokes, day in and day out, regardless of the people he hangs around and tries to leech off of.

I resisted to tell him to fuck off because, despite being a parasite, he's still got a certain amount of ego that would've made him answer back rudely, something which would've resulted in his ass getting whooped. Not that such a thing is beyond me, but I like to save my energy and use it wisely whenever possible. Instead, I opted for occult means and cast on the guy to keep him away.

At first it seemed as if the spell wasn't working because he was still close to my personal field of consciousness. But then I started noticing he became agitated for no apparent reason when he was close to me. He then started retreating to an apparent safer distance and looked as if he wasn't well. He stopped asking for shit.

Later on he came across somewhat unexpected opportunities. He began being invited by certain people to certain places to hang out and, in exchange for performing butler-like services to them, he received free booze and smokes. This happened more than occasionally and the guy even stopped calling me because of that. 

I'm unaware of what fuckery he may have experienced in his personal life throughout this time, if any, but at least the spell worked in my favor (and his, to some extent).


  1. I saw a case where someone used a Saturnian curse to end a relationship between two business partners. It worked, but as soon as the curse wore off, they got back together again, effectively rendering the curse useless. Similarly, if someone uses a Jupiter spell to make someone lose finances, it's assumed they will make it back as soon as the curse ends. Has something like this ever happened to you? If so, how would you solve it?

  2. I came across such things more than once. This has to do with the synastry between the partners in the former case and the natal chart of the person in the latter. Not to mention the transits. If those energies are favorable then it's also possible curses will work less effectively. This is more complex and complicated to solve as it involves lengthy astro studies. A simple means would be to curse on an ongoing basis.
