Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Mercury election - June 2023

I find Mercury to be the trickiest to work with in regards to elections. Not only does it retrograde more often than the rest of the planets, but its constant proximity to the Sun makes it prone to spend quite a lot of time under sunbeams and combust. Additionally, it spends a relatively short time in each sign and so it's kinda cumbersome to find decent elections whenever its strength is increased.

This Mercury transit through Gemini should provide quite a few good elections although I would caution people to watch out for the out-of-sign combustion it will experience beginning around the start of Cancer season. Mercury will greatly overpower the Sun at the time, but being combust will cause its energies to act more erratically.

The following election is set for my geographical coordinates although it should be simple for you to adjust the chart on yours.
We see Mercury in the MC in domicile and triplicity (and sect). The Moon is waxing in its domicile and neither it or Mercury are involved in applying hard aspects.


  1. Alex, do you find yourself doing more Mercury rituals or Gemini or elemental air rituals? When I wrote down what I wanted from the forces of air, I couldn't pare down my choice of force. All three options seem to achieve the same thing. For example, if I want to cast a spell to increase my networks and contacts in a chosen field, I can't decide whether the ritual force selected should be Air, Gemini, or Mercury. These 3 seem to be achieving more or less the same thing.

  2. I work with each force whenever needed and based on its strength at the time. I wouldn't overlap their powers entirely even if some of them are similar.
