Monday, October 17, 2022


A partial solar eclipse will occur on the 25th, next week, in the second degree of Scorpio. It will be followed by a total lunar eclipse in Taurus (the sixteenth degree, I think) some two weeks later. Both eclipses will be visible in a part of the world where a leader has overstayed his time in office and I will detail on this forther on. 

I predict these two eclipses will cause said leader to lose his power within six month to an year. I'm saying this because the solar eclipse will occur in his twelfth house, which will likely stir up plots from hidden enemies, while the lunar eclipse will occur in his seventh house. Given his bellicose nature, I think that eclipse will put a stop to his fighting ways while at the same time conceal his open enemies from acting against him.

Furthermore, the guy's natal chart points to him having to let go of power, something he's successfully failed at over time. His lunar South Node is in Leo, conjunct the Midheaven, signifying he's used to power and ruling over others. His North Node conjunct his Imum Coeli in Aquarius calls for him to detach himself from power, become more laid-back and analyze his intimate motivations. If memory serves, his Pluto is (exalted) in Leo and very close to his SN-MC, enforcing his power hungry nature and taking it to dangerous heights.

On top of that, transiting Saturn has passed over his NN-IC and opposed his Pluto earlier this year, triggering him to make a decision many considered to be an act of madness and invaded a neighboring country. At the time Saturn was partile with his IC he escalated the conflict instead of backing down. It was at that time some idiot has done some long term stuff on the guy by working in accordance with his chart and transits and, although the idiot wanted things to move faster, given the severity of the situation and the fact slower planets were involved, he realized he'd have to wait for results for longer. 

The results soon started to manifest as the guy's army started being pushed back, but the guy himself seemed to still have a firm grip on power. But given his packed twelfth house, I take it he's very good at hiding his weaknesses. He was a spy, after all. 

Anyway, he's now facing two celestial events that, in my opinion, can cause his downfall. Now, I'm no astrologer and I could very well be wrong, which would be a great opportunity for those who don't think the energies of the heavens affect life on Earth, but a solar eclipse a few years back signalled the start of some orange guy's downfall. That solar eclipse was visible in the country the orange guy ruled at the time. 

You can look up Asteria for detailed information on eclipses, as well as our free article on the subject.

Edit: I've made a mistake in regards to the guy's chart since I've referred to it based on memory. At the same time, I've got some many charts committed to memory it's natural to confuse them. I should've double checked, sorry.

Even so, based on what's available out there it seems the solar eclipse will be conjunct the guy's ASC. This would be even worse for him in my opinion, since his downfall can also be caused by failing health. If the rumours surrounding his actual health have been true at least partially, then the coming solar eclipse can very well cripple him.

In any case, my prediction remains the same.

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