Sunday, August 7, 2022

Stop whining and start winning

During the eight or so years I've been involved in the occult I came across quite a few people who complained about not having what to work with... By this I mean they have an immediate need and the force they would normally appeal to weak, or the lunar phase is off in regards to their desire, or it's not the right day and hour, or... you get the picture.

I'm not going to start tagging every single time I've written about proficiency and taking advantage of auspicious times before you'd end up in a mess because that would mean I'd have to waste my time looking through many of the articles I've written this year alone. Instead, I'll say what I've said quite a few times on different occasions and in various online environments.

There is more than one force out there that can help with similar, if not the exact things. One would only need to be aware of them and decide which one to use or which one to appeal to when encountering inappropriate conditions for working with the rest. I blame the "experts" for this lack of awareness in practitioners, since they want to come across as teachers yet in general they merely preach about planetary forces (while at the same time saying they don't believe planetary energies affect life on Earth). Anyway, besides planetary forces there are also:

Shem angels (who's powers you can find in free pdfs with a simple search)

And countless other entities one would encounter in various readily available sources: old grimoires, more recently published books, websites, etc.

So stop whining and start winning. Most importantly, stop listening to some dumbasses as if their words were gospel.

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