Saturday, July 23, 2022

Fixed stars practical astrology and magick

Fixed stars practical astrology and magick is the newest product I'm offering to all those interested. 

In the wake of the great feedback I've received from my customers in regards to the interest for such a class, I went ahead and came up with it. The term "class" is used loosely here since there are no actual lessons structured on a specific schedule. Instead, think of it as a tightly packed field manual that will allow you to perform magical operations with the fixed stars and constellations. 

Now, I've already written the article "Twinkle Twinkle: Make your stars shine" in Asteria 2 in which I've discussed the subject at length and we also wrote additional information about the fixed stars in Asteria. But none of that is necessary for anyone who makes use of the information presented within this course, in my opinion. I'm saying this because it contains everything worth knowing about the stars to work with them, alongside the astrological details that will help people comprehend the election time calculation process and make use of it, while the additional information from these books offers theoretical support and a greater understanding of the rationale I've used inside this class thing.

You might say the price is low considering the price tags on many magical classes and such. One of the reasons I've set it as such is that the information inside can be considered highly complex for people with little to no astrological knowledge and there's a probability they might consider it rocket surgery, to quote Birch, and say they've wasted their money on something super advanced they won't be able to use. I beg to disagree since, remember, us stupids can woowoo as well. Another reason for its price is that I want it accessible to as many people interested as possible.

Know that I've cut out as much unnecessary requirements as possible from an astrological perspective, requirements I consider to deplete the power of the working. Instead, I've presented requirements I consider to strengthen such workings while at the same time holding back from going extreme as I've done in Asteria 2. Besides the astrological details I've presented an easy but effective magical ritual anyone can perform for working with the fixed stars, a ritual that will have the operant actually conjure spirits instead of simply praying to them.

Happy star work!

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