Tuesday, July 26, 2022


(Ooooo, new agey article!) 

If you're an occultist then I guess it's safe to say you've come to realize we're spiritual beings experiencing existence in the flesh, as Birch puts it, or at least you will come to realize this at some point. But besides the physical path we are given to explore, with all its many surprises, ups and downs, twists and turns and so on, we've also been given a spiritual path we can choose to either allow ourselves to follow or ignore altogether. Horizontal and vertical, the two directions that make up our existence.

Now, I could start being all erudite about it and start quoting from Pat Zalewski's Golden Dawn book, but I won't do that because I'm not some self-important hypocrite that's posing as an authority figure. Instead, I will point out the fact I'm not the only one that's realized certain things with respect to cosmic laws and cycles. Moreover, the person I'll be referring to is far from being some all-powerful magicianist who's got many many followers, but a practitioner like myself who's constantly putting his increasing knowledge and skills to work for improving his life both horizontally and vertically.

I'm referring to one of the people who bought Cielos who, besides showing a great amount of enthusiasm in regards to doing the work, has a constant thirst for knowledge and wants to taste newer and newer spiritual experiences. It wasn't hard for me to figure this out since his energy emanates through cyberspace every time I receive an email from him and I find that all too familiar - that's me from even before beginning my practice. 

For reasons that do not make the topic of this article I've got a sense for people who actually want to learn and do the work enthusiastically, as well as for those who look for quick ways to cut corners just so they'd have a tool for fixing any problems they might come across in order to live a careless mundane life. While I see nothing wrong with the latter, it has many limitations and those people will often hit a brick wall at which point they will desperately ask for help in regards to improving their magical efficiency, only to flip off the people who helped them once they somehow managed to overcome the obstacle. Then they will hit another wall and still refuse to follow the lead of those with enough experience and instead expect to receive quick lessons on intricate topics that cover more than a few complex concepts as if they're entitled to receive such information freely. 

But anyway, my reader has sent me an email yesterday that reminded me of what I wrote about seeking a water bearer or better yet, becoming one. Here's part of his email:

"I believe that magic is for everyone, what happens is that some like to feel special and that is why they want to restrict access to this knowledge.

I believe that the human being goes through different stages: the victim, the hero, the magician and mystic.

Therefore what you do, as I see it, drives and accelerates the evolutionary process of human consciousness from the role of victim or hero to that of magician and mystic. And I believe that only by managing to do that collectively will humanity be able to advance."

What I mostly do is make fun of wannabe posers who want to come across as all-knowing when they're merely know-it-alls out of fear of losing clientele. But modesty aside, I do want to break the dogmatic dam that's been built and reinforced throughout time and allow the flow of free, unbiased magical knowledge to wash the land clean of all those who restrict people's access to easy, efficient and safe methods of working with spirits under the guise of being gatekeepers of a tradition they've butchered for their personal financial interest (while at the same time performing the QC/MP during "solomonic" rituals). But the important thing is that I'm not just some nutjob who's clowning around for the sake of his personal amusement, despite deliberately coming across as such and amusing myself greatly whenever I refer to the likes of the aforementioned characters. 

Do you know who the most powerful figure in a kingdom used to be in terms of immunity? The jester, for he was the sole person who could insult the king and get away with it, the king often being very attentive to the jester's apparent nonsensical words for there was an otherworldly wisdom in them. The jester thus played the role of the water bearer in a certain way, pouring higher knowledge onto the king and the king was free to allow himself to think outside the box as a consequence, or otherwise.

As the cosmic tides are in full motion and impinge the next paradigm onto us, people have to strip themselves of the illusions of the paradigm they're leaving behind. In my opinion there's no better way to do that than through active occult means that will reshape their macrocosm and personal spiritual experiences that will reshape their microcosm. It is my belief that a new large scale equilibrium will be reached if more and more people will do that, as they will cease to think their magical actions are against such and such teachings or harm others around them, but instead come to realize each of them is swimming in their own lane and not crossing over into the lanes of others while at the same time their magical work will eventually end up affecting their lane alone. 

In a sense, there'd be a hive-mind consciousness of independent individuals, each using their skills and abilities to help themselves along their own path while at the same time not stepping on other people's toes and not being stepped on their toes in return. In the meantime, they need to find a water bearer before eventually eventually evolving into becoming one themselves.

But it takes time. The good thing is more people are starting to become aware of the new paradigm in one way or the other and allow themselves to be guided towards that fresh current.

To conclude about myself, I'm a pathfinder, a pioneer who's cutting pathways through the tick underbrush of unexploded occult territory, uncovering many novelties in the vast uncharted land of universal knowledge. Think of it as flying through the Unknown Regions of the Star Wars galaxy where hyperspace lanes are constantly rerouted, often collapsing, or permanently rendered useless due to the ever changing space-time anomalies specific to that particular region that make hyperspace travel very perilous there. 

But just like Revan looking for the Star Forge, Darth Bane for ancient Sith knowledge, or Luke Skywalker for Zonama Sekot, I'm looking for anything that would allow mankind to take another step into the new paradigm. Many others would have to follow in my footsteps and pave the way of course, because I'm too hotheaded to take my time in doing that and too proud and arrogant (again, I'm not projecting that, you dumbass, I'm just keeping it in check and unleash it whenever I want) to work as part of a team that would properly catalogue my findings so I resume to ever go forward, forward into the unknown. 

Yea, I'm an active part of the driving force that keeps propelling mankind forward, which is one of the reasons why I'm making fun of all ye dumbasses who are to blame for the stagnation in the occult although the dogmatic status-quo you're imposing won't last for long.


  1. Let's build a new world with the help of magic and in collaboration with the spirits!
    Thank you Alex for the enormous work you do facilitating the way for people like me!

  2. Vámonos! (You better watch out, mofuckas muahahahahaha >:D tee hee)
