Monday, October 18, 2021

Space woowoo

Unlike many occult enthusiasts who're busy debating Key of Solomon pentacles inside out or making up theories based on their wild albeit admirable imagination, yours truly is focusing on something else. Besides seeking to come up with more and more new stuff that will ensure progress in this field and educating people to start doing magix in a simple yet efficient manner while overlooking the pompous but mostly useless teachings one often comes across, or at least trying to do that, I'm also thinking about what the future will bring in terms of opportunities. But with those opportunities come questions.

Do you know that NASA announced there's a possibility a human colony will be established on one of the moons of Saturn? Or was it Jupiter? I don't have the link and I can't remember the title of the article because it was shown to me by someone on the go this morning. Regardless of that, it seems space agencies are really thinking about colonizing our solar system. While that's no news since this thought was probably on people's minds since the first man traveled outside our atmosphere, it's kinda news because more options present themselves for possible colonization.

This means there's a probability a practicing occultist will end up on another celestial body by the end of this millennium. Many things can prevent this from ever happening, but I don't want to start going into those scenarios because it's beyond the point of this article. So for the sake of things let's imagine at least one occultist will get to travel to another planet or moon. Imagine what kind of spirits they can find there. Besides the few we know attributed to each planet surely there must be others we're not aware of. Wouldn't bit be cool to encounter at least some of them and work with them "more closely" so to speak?

I asked this on some fb group a few years back, but I got no answer. Galileo discovered four of Jupiter's moons back when grimoires were a trend. I'm somewhat amazed no magician from those times ever thought to seek for spirits associated with those moons and their particular powers. Or maybe someone did do that although I'm unaware of any such information being recorded. But what do I know? I'm uncultured.

If people will establish a permanent colony in the Jovian or Saturnian system then even grimoire people will get to work with at least Uranus and Neptune because their light would be visible from there. They'd only need to come up with methods for doing so, right? If they'd not be afraid to add new material to their alleged tradition, that is. I wonder what else is visible towards the outer edge of the solar system from there that people like the grimoirists could finally say they can work with upon being able to see it.

And another thing! If a colony is established anywhere else outside our planet then it's very probable people will be born there. This means their entire Tree of Life would be changed?! Because you don't practically have Earth in Malkuth because you were born on another space body. Or maybe the Tree of Life remains the same because you come from a race who originated from Earth and Malkuth contains the entire material universe anyway, regardless of the planet or galaxy for that matter (pun intended).

But one thing's for sure and that's the fact people's birth charts would definitely change. I wonder how the many moons of Jupiter or Saturn could affect the consciousness of someone who was born there, besides the fact they'd have the greater benefic or malefic in their back yard. I wonder how their consciousness would be impacted by the Earth's location and possible aspects in such a chart. Kinda mind bending once you go more into it, but I for one think someone's gotta start addressing these things. If only NASA or other space agencies would hire astrologers and occultists for the planning of such missions. Oh well, maybe some day.

I was gonna end it there, but then it came to me: what if we start building spaceships which ensure Earth-like gravity for their passengers regardless of size? Technically one would be able to perform rituals while cruising through space. But then where would East be so they'd be able to LBRP properly? Has our solar system been designated Cardinal directions yet? If not, should East be towards the sun? Just asking. But then let's say we'd be able to venture outside our solar system without having to be put into suspended animation. Imagine going warp speed or hyper speed or whatever and doing a ritual then. Where'd East be? The galactic center? Opposite of that? Has the Milky Way been assigned Cardinal directions like the Star Wars galaxy map? 

What if we come across actual real flesh and blood aliens and they also have magical knowledge? Would their gods have similarities to ours? I imagine different gods would merge at some point the closer we get to their archetypal essence. But what about those aliens living on a world influenced by a different astrological climate? Let's say, from our perspective, 9 zodiac signs, 14 planets out of which 3 are suns and 4 are their home world's moons or something like that. Or something like quaternary this system. It's safe to say their signs would be different than hours because their perspective of the night sky would be different from our own so the star patterns would also be different. So maybe the archetypes would differ too or at least to a degree.

And I can go on and on. Do let me know what you think if this article has stirred any interest.

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

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