Monday, October 4, 2021

Book changes

This was on my mind for a while now so I guess this Mercury retrograde has allowed me to make a final decision and go ahead with it. Therefore, I ended up making the following changes to my books:

1. Mundane Body Magick has been unpublished. Who ever bought it will hopefully get to benefit from the information inside for their practical rituals concerning health and well-being, but I guess I will have to use bits of that elsewhere at some point. If ever. It was useless to keep it running since it made no sales in quite a long time.

2. Magick Pills for Hard Transits is now priced at $12 whereas before it was $14.99.

3. The Magick of Chiron is now priced at $10 whereas before it was priced at $12.

4. The Magick of Astrorelationships is now available in its second edition and is now priced at $22.10. I've done a full make-over of its layout and formatting to be more easier to read. This makes it have more pages than before although the content and the number of words remains approximately the same.

All three will remain published in paperback version only. 

I was asked a few times along the way why I haven't lowered the price for The Magick of Astrorelationships even more. The answer is as simple as the book: the book is simple and I mean SIMPLE in a way any idiot can pick it up and start working with it. The rituals inside of it are not rocket surgery (quoting Birch) and people can look them up in more details on Scott's blog because Scott was kind enough to allow me to mention his methods. The reader also has another ritual frame he or she can use if they don't fancy pentagraming and hexagraming. But the actual reason the price remains as such is because the actual method presented inside is, I dare to say it yet again, an innovation! 

Besides its applications for relationships, it can also be applied on one's self. The book offers guidelines for more than a few astrological forces of interest in order to provide the reader with more insight as to what they can potentially experience in a relationship. Moreover, there's no need to know astrology to use this book.  

That will be all.

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo


  1. What you think about people who tell that magickal result is more a thing of beliving in yourself,beliving that a power is within you then applying a certain magickal tehni?
    I understand it can be good to belive especially with lucky people who s planets are good alinged but i belive it s only a bit!I hear it every now and then

  2. Funny because I was just thinking about doubt and self doubt before I saw this comment.

    Short answer, I think those people are right solely to the point where you think about the psychological model of magick - all in your head. See Scott's series on magical models.

    But to my mind magick is more than just personal beliefs and techniques. You need both and then you need practice to be able to use both with ease. You need experience to know how to use them the best way possible with minimum effort. And so on.

    But to answer your question, that statement is a very simplistic explanation. I think many who spread it far and wide really don't know much about the occult.

    I've seen very experienced magicians doubt themselves at times. They simply kept going. There's an article on the 12th astrological house I've written for an upcoming book you might want to check up on once the book is published - I will announce it here. The... Universe, so to speak, has a way of making people fuck themselves up and there's a reason for that.

  3. Your mean best way possible like a samurai drawns katana;precise,controlled,calm with one quick,effective hit.

  4. Something like that. Magicians in general work on one or mostly two sides because of their narrow beliefs imo. A holistic approach is to be preferred to improve magical results in general and that includes both macrocosmic work (protocol) and microcosmic (self discipline, energy work, etc). But that's just me.

    I mean I can do a ritual using just protocol and still have results. I've done that before more than a few times because I was either too tired or I was not in the mood and so on. But I know those are exceptions and always aim to go 100% and more every time and that includes both inner and outer work.
