Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Book review: Mastering the Thirty Aires

This is the first Enochian label for this blog since I stopped doing that kind of work a few years back due to mundane reasons. But it's safe to say I'll start posting more on this topic once I begin working this system once more.

Mastering the Thirty Aires is Scott's final book of his Enochian trilogy, thus covering the whole system. Additionally, the man has covered Dee and Kelley's work to greath length, both for free on his blog and in the form of published books. I for one think he's done more than enough by covering the subject and speaking about it publically, as no other occultist I've encountered has so far had the decency of providing free ritual templates, let alone answering every question his readers ask him.

I am very grateful for his help, assistance and guidance. When it comes to Enochian, I want to point out I've began working with the Heptarchy solely by using his blog as a source and he's been more than willing to help me along even by answering all my retarded questions. Other authors, especially those who consider themselves experts on this subject as well, would point people to their books as a simple, piss off answer. But not Scott!

And keep in mind I've used the Enochian system with great success in dealing with certain issues, including tackling forces of nature. What I mean is, Romania has had its share of awful tectonic activity throughout time. While we don't often experience dramatic earthquakes, we're prone to a good shake every few years and a big one every few decades. Using the appropriate Heptarchy spirits that rule over Earth has done wonders in that regard by reducing earthquakes' magnitude.

Moreover, we're a country that technically has a temperate climate. This means hot summers and cold winters. Often, some super hot mass of air from Africa comes over and we experience tropical summers. While I usually don't give a damn about others and see to myself, I couldn't refrain myself from thinking of the many people suffering from various illnesses that suffer even more because of high temperatures. That, and the animals around here, both domestic and wildlife. Anyway, the Heptarchy spirits ruling over Air have provided superb results all the time, sometimes almost instant. I remember a scorching summer day back in 2017 with not even the slightest wind and everyone was practically chocking because of the heat. After the ritual it took no more than an hour for a slight breeze to begin, which gradually turned cooler and over the next few days the temperature went down.

And that was solely from having followed the man's blog! Now comes the actual book review.

I find it cool this third book is almost double the size of the previous two. It may be so because there are a few sections containing enumeration of the likes of Parts of the Earth (along with spirit, sigil description, etc), modern countries, cities and zones that do not fit into the description provided by the angels someone almost 450 years ago received, modern magical techniques, and so forth. However, anyone unaware or barely aware of Scott's blog can pick up the book and find everything necessary to take a shot at it.
Besides providing basic astrological details every practicing occultist should be familiar, especially those who sell magical products, Scott does a very good job structuring the book in a way even someone slow like myself can understand the ritual steps, both the classic method and the one containing modern elements. He also goes into great detail explaining the phonetics of the Angelic language, something I find extremely important for people of certain linguistic backgrounds. The explanations regarding phonetics are necessary for the actual practical work since the magician is to recite prayers in Angelic, which greatly aids in having the spirits show up quickly (as I've found time and again with the Heptarchy). Additionally, all ritual requirements in terms of temple setup and tools are laid out and explained.

What I liked about Scott from the beginning of my interactions with him is that, unlike various self-proclaimed know-it-alls out there desperately seeking the public's appraisal and consideration as being an expert, often imposing that status onto others through mocking and/or all-out public tar and fathering with the help of their alleged very good friend (whom they had been involved with in childish banter online for increasing their public notoriety, often bragging as being part of a certian Inner Order, which is something no one within said traditional Order would ever do, said friend eventually ending up blackmailing and threatening them outright) whenever they felt the need, is that the man simply sticks to his work. He doesn't go all-out engaging into petty squabbles over nickles and dimes like some often do to get attention (probably because, at least in some cases, they don't wear the pants in their family - and I'm talking of male magicians and/or scholars and/or whatnot).

Therefore, this book is something someone like myself would gladly start ripping to shreds by working this system to the best of my abilities, especially when it comes to mundane blockages. What is mean is not everyone is secluded in a swamp far off from society and most of us don't have the luxury of sticking to the book to the letter. But I'm sure that, unlike the aforementioned experts, Scott will guide you towards achieving success even with minimum requirements if you were to ask him more details on his blog. If it worked for me, then I'm positive it'll work for everyone.

If it were me, I would've talked about the necessity, or lack of a link to the target. But since the system itself deals with affecting politics in certain parts of the world, I figure that is unnecessary. What I mean is, if you live in South America and want to affect the politics of a country halfway around the world, the simple fact you're opening the specific Aire and Part containing said country should suffice. The way I figure it, the spirits will pinpoint the country you're targeting within the territory of their domain without you having to teach them geography by showing them maps. And as Scott mentioned in this book in regards to the islands in the Northern part of Canada, the spirits were indeed accurate when instructing Dee and Kelley about that area.

As a bonus, Scott has included Crowley's method of scrying these otherworldly areas, even if this was not the system's original purpose. I'm sure many are aware of good ol' Uncle Al having scryed the Aethyrs (Aires) and coming up with all sorts of revelations as a result. So you can also use this book to follow in his footsteps if you so choose.

In conclusion, while you can definitely work this particular branch of the system solely by following Scott's blog post on the subject, even if you'd have to do quite the work by yourself to figure out minute details, the book brings much more information such as the specific names, highly important geographic details, spirits and sigils and so on. And unlike other books covering this highly complex topic whose authors desperately portray them as being grimoires, this book certainly fits the bill, in all the traditional meaning of a grimoire at least.

Take this from someone who's learned more magix online than from books and in a far shorter time than all the wannabe experts out there posing as scholars and erudites who keep bragging they're part of Inner Orders, albeit the lowest subgrade of said Orders:

If you want to actually work the Enochian system instead of talking about it, Scott's books are the way to go.

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