Tuesday, May 23, 2023

We're not God

In fact we are God, but that's not what I meant. Many occult practitioners work on accessing and assimilating more of their godhood, but they will never become God - i.e. all-powerful, all-knowing, all-encompassing, etc. Not in their flashy existence anyway. Am we must accept that and the limitations imposed onto us by this ephemeral yet ever so rich experience in the flesh.

Yesterday I received word a young woman has died from a horrible disease. She seemed to be doing better and yet the disease came back with a vengeance later on and eventually won...

Upon hearing of this case more than an year ago I thought I should lend a hand using whatever knowledge and skills I possess. My offer was turned down by the woman's parents because they we frightened by the things I'm doing. I don't blame them. I tried to explain to them what exactly it is I'm doing, but I had to rely on a third party for this. Although they eventually understood, they were still reluctant and never provided me with the data I need to begin my work despite saying so several times. Again, I don't blame them.

If I were to regret anything about this physical existence is that life sometimes seems unfair in a sense that sometimes our free will is taken away, as I've discussed in Words. What I'd be regretting now if I didn't know any better is that the woman's parents denied her additional help instead of her having anything to say about it. I imagine she had no idea about my offer. Again, I don't blame them and, even without knowing more details about her, I imagine her soul needed these experiences during its earthly existence inside her body. 

I myself learned from this bitter experience because I was the one who shifted things in such way the third party I referred to earlier came into contact with the woman's parents, the two ending up helping that person a great deal. But back when I did those things for the third party I had a feeling there was more to it besides helping that person out. I eventually learned those people's daughter was ill and I felt a strong urge me to step in and offer my help. 

It's possible a higher power arranged for these things to occur so that both myself and others would learn from this experience irrespective of how things developed. I'm not saying I could've saved the young woman, but that maybe I could've helped by prolonging her life. I've done so in the case of this man although he two passed away last week (and I was about to write and article about that), but in his case too I offered my help long before I received a green light and made those elixirs for him. 

This article is becoming larger than I initially planned and I'm in no mood to write on it any more. My point is that while it's true magicians can work miracles, they're still bound to the rules of this fleshy existence and at any moment outside factors beyond their control can hinder their efforts. If it were otherwise, and a flick the wand would make stuff appear or disappear instantly, we'd all be unimaginably wealthy, healthy and so on.

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