Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Spirits' moods

Here's something we didn't explicitly mention in Asteria although it should be obvious to anyone practically involved in occult affairs who also studies astrology. It should be of no surprise each planet feels differently when transiting different zodiac signs.
By extension, its spirits, when called upon in ritual, manifest differently depending on the sign the planet is transiting at the time. We've discussed this from a different perspective in Asteria in the section on natal chart and I also addressed it from the same perspective in Words. It also applies to other spirits of forces found inside the zodiac chart, such as spirits of the signs, but in this case it has to do with sign placements or lack of (among other things).

I will simply resume to discuss the planets since many work with their forces. The person conjuring their spirits needn't be psychic in order to see or hear those spirits to be able to notice them differently depending on the sign their planet transits at the time of the ritual. With a bit of concentration the person can sense a different vibe to them after their arrival. This takes place after the conjuration and can last even after their departure, due to residual energy.

Naturally, each planet's spirits would manifest the vibe of their planet, but they would do so based on the state of that planet. For example, if you call on some planetary spirits when their planet is strong in the heavens, their spirits would show up giving vibes of contentment and confidence. On the other hand, if you'd call on them at a time their planet is weak, they would come across as irritated, annoyed, even distant or cold.

I wrote this article about planetary strengths and weaknesses so feel free to look it up if you want to go ahead and test whether I'm talking out my arse or not.


  1. Does this also apply to spirits visited in their own realms via pathworkings or only to conjurations? Solomonic magicians don't talk about this but I think that visiting spirits in their own realms exempts them of this mood change because pathworking literature doesn't speak about this.

    Mars is weak in Taurus, so if I pathwork to Samael this month to discuss a possible magical working related to increasing courage/bravery, would I be speaking with a weak, cold Samael?

    Also, Lilith is recommended for shadow work (which I think also applies to all forms of fear). Does this apply to all forms of shadow form or just her own sphere of influence?

  2. I think it applies to pathworkings as well. The reason I'm saying this is because although the realm itself remains the same, the planetary energies still depend and are influenced by the sign the planet transits. Mars is currently in Cancer and I called upon Martian spirits recently. They did come across as moody and prone to tantrums, but since I called them for unpleasant reasons I had no problem with that.

    I'm aware pathworkings are still pretty much uncharted territory because grimoire fanatics are all into visual appearances and all that stuff. But nevertheless, you can contact a spirit of that realm you're visiting using this method. And if it happens to be a planetary spirit I do think its moods depend on the overall planetary energies at the time.

    I'm having trouble understanding your question in regards to shadow work. Lilith is helpful in so called shadow work as she can uncover all sorts of suppressed traits as well as understand the reasons and the process through which those suppressions occurred. But from my experience that is only part of her sphere of influence.

  3. Does a positive natal chart placement help while calling spirits in weak sing , for example having a Mars in Scorpio in natal chart while calling the Mars spirits in Cancer ?

  4. I think Martian spirits would still come across as moody when Mars transits Cancer although they'd be more friendly towards you since your own Martian energies are strong.

  5. I have a follow up question related to that. If Mars is in a weak sign like Cancer, then does it help to instead call upon Scorpio or Aries or elemental fire spirits to achieve the task, as the direct relation between Mars and Cancer is now gone and you're dealing with a separate force/power?

  6. You can call upon any other force that has in its sphere of influence things you'd want to achieve with Mars. It would be best for that force to be as strong as possible at that time.

  7. It is recommended not to do more than one spell towards the same goal using the same force in the same ritual because it divides the power. As an example, if Venus is strong on a particular day and we want our superiors and colleagues to look upon us with favour and kindness, we can do a Venus operation for that and get it done with but say I want to make use of the strong election further, I can do a Taurus operation - an entirely separate force, and charge with another similar task under its sphere of influence at an hour other than our Venus operation. Would there be conflict or would this strategy work?

  8. I see no problem in casting two or more spells on yourself for the same goal so long as it's a different force and the problem is being tackled from different angles. That is to say, each spell complements the other(s) and they (all) converge towards the same desire.

  9. Yes! I knew it could work. It's been tried successfully by magicians before many times as long as the goals are distinct and intelligently done.
