Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Purely astronomical

With a little over a month until the summer solstice I want to discuss a bit on these astronomical events. Over time I've encountered quite a few occultists who have a boner for solstices. They go out of their way to flood social media with pretty or more nauseating pictures of altars and all that, showing off the physical aspects of their solar workings at those times.

In reality, solstices are not that important from a planetary magick perspective. Sure, there are esoteric implications and symbolism and you can take advantage of the overall natural energetic patterns as we've mentioned in Asteria, but for planetary work they are irrelevant. Even worse, they are inauspicious times for working with the Sun.

When the Sun enters Cancer (summer solstice in the north and winter in the south) it leaves behind the small amount of strength represented by the third decan of Gemini and dives into Cancer where it's all-out peregrine, therefore very weak. In contrast, when it enters Capricorn, it leaves behind the strength of its triplicity in Sagittarius and is peregrine until the third decan of the goat sign. 

Those magiclowns who said astrology was only used for agricultural purposes are kinda right in this case, but the funny thing is the same magiclowns show off their altars at solstices (among other irrelevant astrological dates with respect to planetary magick). They're also the ones doing solar rituals with the help of Michael in the form of a solar spirit during Michaelmas, an event that occurs during Libra season when the Sun is very weak, being in fall.

Mind you, the Golden Dawn consider equinoxes because they represent points of balance and that falls in line with their tradition (but if you're a wannabe GD spokesperson I image you can make up your own shit?!). On top of that, equinoxes bare a greater importance in regards to essential dignities - exaltation and fall of the Sun. 

So stop flooding and stop using those times to make solar products for sale, especially if you're a dumbass who's selling solar products made during Sun in Aquarius despite being made aware of the obvious affliction!

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

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