Friday, September 24, 2021

Geomantic figures in ritual

Unfortunately this is not some method on working magical operations with the geomantic figures. I for one do it following Scott's planetary rituals so use that coz it works very well.

It just so happens I was notified the other day my Star and Stone copy had arrived and I realized again that simply going through it during the editing process has allowed certain information from there to stick to me. Me (!!!), someone who's divination challenged. 

Anyway, my mind started making these weird associations this morning while I was waiting for the subway: how geomantic figures relate to a magical ritual. So, as stupid and useless as it might be, here it is.

Albus: ritual planning.

Conjunctio: making contact with the entities.

Caput Draconis: initiating ritual.

Cauda Draconis: ending ritual.

Populus: meditating and skrying.

Via: pathworking.

Fortuna Minor: godhead assumption - it's not permanent.

Fortuna Major: authority over spirits.

Acquisitio: invoking.

Laetitia: mystical workings.

Puella: love spells.

Amissio: banishing.

Carcer: creating a magical space (the magical circle).

Tristitia: grounding.

Puer: willpower.

Rubeus: curses.

Don't mind me, I'm just spewing words.

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

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