Wednesday, July 7, 2021

El Maximo Exponente de la Magia

A few days ago, Mario (the artist who made the splendid cover for Asteria - link to the right of the page) posted a thread about receiving his copy. Besides mentioning querido Shaman and yours truly, Mario also named Lord Manticore, whom he referred to as El Maximo Exponente de la Magia (fireworks effects!), an even more superior over the top title than the ones I've been calling good ol' Nick by so far.

So big up for you, Mario!

Therefore, henceforth, I will be using this title of Nick's more often and I've already started doing it in my recent articles. Besides finding it to be a pretty title, I think it fits perfectly with the vast superior over the top magical experience and knowledge Mr. Farrell has acquired so far. I imagine he must be some kind of Magister Templi (at least) by now, something he no wanna talk about. I also imagine he's one of the few, if not the only, people alive with direct connection with the original Golden Dawn current (yea, that of Mathers&co), through his contacts of the former Smaragdum Thalasses aka Whare Ra temple down in Kiwiland. But he no wanna talk about that either. Prolly because now he's ever so seriously Pagan and sticks to his ever so serious Pagan stuff in an ever so serious way.

Edit: if I were to play around with that title a bit, I could reduce it to Maximo Exponente de la Magia, or MEM in short. If I were then to go a bit qabalistic, MEM is a Hebrew letter, meaning water (chaos). Nick is allergic to Qabalah and he also hates Uncle Al, but for the sake of it I shall point to the latter's Liber 777 in which Mem is assigned to Key Scale 23 - much correspondences surrounding Key Scale 23 and anyone interested in them can look them up. The letter Mem also has the numerical value of 40 and if we look into Sepher Sephiroth we will find the following meanings for that value: Bildad; Liberator; a title of Jesod; to cut off; a rope; ruin; to bind; milk; The Hand of the Eternal; to me, to mine. I can see at one of those meanings would apply to good ol' Nick :D

Anyway, paraphrasing Forrest Gump: that's all I have to say about that.

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo


  1. I repeat it again, it is the maximum exponent of magic, just as you are too. Greetings from somewhere in the south of the world!

  2. Thanks, you're flattering me, but it's good ol' Nick here who deserves this splendid title. I imagine he's been doing this stuff for eons now, while I'm merely in my seventh year O:-)
