Sunday, May 16, 2021

Picatrix decan talisman - Jun 2021

The first decan of Cancer is the decan of Venus, of which the Arabic Picatrix says the following:

"Consider the image of a man with curved face and fingers that looks like a horse. He has white feet and tree leaves are attached to his body. This image appears
in the first phase of Cancer. It is the phase of Venus, and it indicates wittiness, mindfulness, friendliness, delicacy and cleanliness."

And the Latin Picatrix:

"A man having twisted and crooked fingers and head; and his body is like the body of a horse, and having white feet and upon his body fig leaves. And this is a face of teaching, knowledge, of love, subtlety and of skills."

The words in bold letters represent the decan's powers according to the aforementioned sources so you can consecrate the talisman for any of those purposes. The date I've chosen for this talisman is Sunday June 6 at 2:18(19)pm GMT with Venus on the Midheaven in its decan and an exalted Moon applying to a sextile to it. You will have to rotate the chart so Venus will be on the Midheaven (or Ascendant) that day based on your location. 

You can follow the simple consecration methods I've presented here and here, or adapt them to your own magical style. The godname of the decan is HVHY and the angel is Mathravash. If you want to go all out superior over the top woowoo, the ever so Pagan daemon of the decan is Khnouphos. So knock yourself out!

More about easy decan talismans in Asteria.

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo


  1. Hello Alex, I find myself in a bit of a conundrum. I want to begin working with one of the zodiacal angels in Liber 777 by building a relationship with it, but I am unsure of how to proceed. There seems to be some stigma in the magical community about cold contacting spirits, which I would like to avoid if possible. While the community tends to prefer the route of tending altars and making offerings, I am not able to do so. I am in a situation similar to the ancient magicians who practiced in secrecy and do not have the luxury of altars and offerings.

    Can you advise me on how to proceed? Taking Cancer as our example, I am offer the angel lunar psalms as prayer offerings (a type of offering that is often overlooked in favor of physical offerings). I also don't agree immediately with the idea of offerings like candles, water, incense and food because how is it not just an assumption if one has not asked the spirit what sort of offerings it likes via methods of communication like pathworking? What color of the candle? What brand of incense? What type of food?

    What else can I do on a daily basis to continuously develop a relationship with the angel, to the point where I can eventually give it its first charge and take off from there?

  2. I understand your apprehension regarding cold conjuring. I've got my own thoughts on that, but it would be counterproductive to this discussion if I am to go into that.

    You could do something I've done a few times back when I started working with the zodiacal angels. It's a simple pathworking type of thing that you can do while lying down in your bed before sleep. It will take a few minutes or longer, depending on how much you want to experience.

    Have yourself in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Imagine being small and standing on top of your head. Look to your left and see a big gray ball (Chockmah) just beyond your head. Walk towards it and step/leap into it. Once inside see the zodiac wheel in front of you, large enough so that each sign is about your height. Imagine it spinning until the sign of choice is in front of you and then step inside of it (just like that or using the Sign of the Enterer if you want). Once there explore the realm and get accustomed to it. If anything happens to come your way trace the sign's GIRP and vibrate its godname (in your mind). Tell it to make you more accustomed to the realm and its energies so that it'll help you build a relationship with its spirits. If nothing shows up, explore it on your own. Once done you can do the Sign of Silence and open your eyes.

    This is not building a relationship per se, but getting accustomed to the realm so that it'll be more comfortable for you to access its forces actively through ritual.

    Should you choose to do this, do let me know how it goes in the long run.
