Thursday, May 13, 2021

Happy Retirement!

My old phone has retired yesterday. My phone, the one I started looking up woowoo on in early 2015 and which has assisted me in every magical operation and daily practice session ever since, has retired. My phone, the one that knows more magix than a lot of occultists out there, having served as my quote-unquote grimoire, has retired. 

No, it's not busted, but old age has come to it. Besides a screen that doesn't work in certain places and an ever so depleted battery, it also lost its ability to take proper photos using a flash and several other features, including signal failure. It is still alive though and would be able to assist me in ritual anytime. 

It has seen its fair share of successes and failures over the years. It has helped me look up various occult sources and calculate many auspicious ritual times. It has served me the many invocations go various godheads I've been using in rituals. It has witnessed hundreds of spirits of many classes manifesting nearby. And now it is time for it to rest. It is still being used albeit carefully and for non magical purposes, while its senior status is being respected and as such it is receiving more than a fair share of warm electricity every day. 

Happy retirement, dude! And thank you! This is the old dude resting and you can see the new one's reflection:

And theeeeeen!

Having benefited from the ever so glorious Lord Manticore's muchly superior over the top woowoo (and the extremely pretty magical stuff used by someone I highly admire!), I have a new phone! It is a pretty phone! I had told Lord Manticore I did not require his assistance for acquiring it, but the ever so glorious and chivalrous Lord insisted (even threatened me!). So I found myself in possession of this new phone I now need to learn how to use and teach magix to. Luckily for me the old dude's taught the new one some magix in the mean time through system sync stuff and other tech stuff idk anything about :D It's like it's passed on it's legacy as woowoo phone. And I used the new phone to perform a highly sophisticated astral chat with the illustrious Lord ;)

That would be all for now. Oh! One more thing: my new phone knows more magix than many occultists out there too, despite it being used in only 1 magical session so far. HA!

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

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