Friday, May 15, 2020

Walking with giants

I am currently in the first part of my sixth year of being involved into practical occult magick. During this time I have come across many people who are part of this phenomenon. I have met a few people for whom I love and respect, and I consider them not only to be very good at doing and teaching magick, but also nice and decent people.

Over the past year or so I have also met four people who did not possess the knowledge and experience of the former, but they made up for that through dedication and commitment to magick in general. They have done that to such degree that their combined efforts have helped the world come out of this whole Corona virus crisis, at least for now.

I am saying this because for the past couple of months they have been casting barrages of rituals aimed both at the heavens and the planet with the aim of putting an end to the virus crisis. They have done so tirelessly, despite having their own mundane problems to deal with, and those problems only increased due to the difficulties resulted from the crisis. Nevertheless, these four people have been putting in constant work into achieving the goal, without benefiting from lavish ritual decor, intricate occult paraphernalia, and pretty much any tool and item many people are posting pictures of across cyberspace, bragging about being in their possession. Moreover, they have done so without having to conjure one spirit into physical appearance and without having to cast a single healing spell. But I'm digressing. 

The names of these four people are not known in the occult community, and by this I mean that none of them is someone who's seen as being an authority figure when it comes to occult matters. But I am sure their names will become known in time, for each of them has his or her unique set of talents and qualities that can allow them to stand out in the crowd, having left their own unique mark on the occult.

These people are heroes to me, and I am happy to have had the chance to meet them! They are giants!

(No lions were hurt during these rituals)

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

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