Thursday, October 10, 2024

BML trasnit

A few months ago I spoke with a reader who was studying his chart and preparing for upcoming hard transits. He said Magick Pills for Hard Transits helped him a great deal a few years back, but since then he had little time to magically address these periodic events. This time though, he noticed a handful of potentially hazardous transits occurring in the near future and wanted to take the necessary precautions.

One of those transits was the Black Moon opposite itself in the man's chart. I recommended he study his natal BML more, both from this book on BML and online sources in order to understand its nature better. While the book does not cover the opposition transit, I helped the man get a general idea of what it may bring into his life considering his chart.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Book review: Mastering the Thirty Aires

This is the first Enochian label for this blog since I stopped doing that kind of work a few years back due to mundane reasons. But it's safe to say I'll start posting more on this topic once I begin working this system once more.

Mastering the Thirty Aires is Scott's final book of his Enochian trilogy, thus covering the whole system. Additionally, the man has covered Dee and Kelley's work to greath length, both for free on his blog and in the form of published books. I for one think he's done more than enough by covering the subject and speaking about it publically, as no other occultist I've encountered has so far had the decency of providing free ritual templates, let alone answering every question his readers ask him.

I am very grateful for his help, assistance and guidance. When it comes to Enochian, I want to point out I've began working with the Heptarchy solely by using his blog as a source and he's been more than willing to help me along even by answering all my retarded questions. Other authors, especially those who consider themselves experts on this subject as well, would point people to their books as a simple, piss off answer. But not Scott!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

About results

Time and again I've addressed magical results, lack of, or what stands against achieving them. People will come across that in various articles on this blog, as well as in Words and Asteria 2.

This article will tackle the matter from another angle. Namely, what next? What I mean is, what to do after one perceives results of their magical work, either substantial or otherwise.

Lots of people, both practitioners and (especially) clients have a tendency of thinking magical results should be permanent. They're not. The first reason for this is that any magical energy directed towards manifesting a certain scenario will have stopped doing so after the successful outcome has presented itself. This is in case said force was instructed to do so by the magician, but even if it that's not the case any energy set into motion will fizzle out eventually.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Hunger games

I've uploaded quite a few articles over time in which I alluded to all sorts of creepy crawlies within the occult community. These varmins can be categorized into two sides.

One side consists of self-righteous, self-important, self-proclaimed expects whose condescending attitude towards those who want to learn and virtue signaling towards anyone they consider a threat are off the charts. The other is represented by two bit wannabes who flock together so their insignificant shouts become more audible. Lastly, there are those in between, who often show traits of and lean towards both sides in order to appease everyone, but who usually engage in both friendly and unfriendly interactions with them to suit their and their higher ups' needs. This third category is often the pool that feeds the lackeys surrounding both sides.

Regardless of side, their common denominator is an overwhelmingly palpable voracity for notoriety. Ultimately, this translates into income generated from occult activities.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Mercury in domicile and exalted

This election is best to be used for Mercury workings having a less than beneficial intent and I'll explain why shortly. There will be a few Mercury elections good for beneficial purposes during this transit, but I think I have yet posted a specific article covering an election that can be used for nastiness.

I'm sure quite a few people know Mercury is both in domicile and exalted in Virgo and this is what's happening these days. I assume not many know Mercury elections can be tricky, due to its constant close proximity to the Sun. Given Mercury will be under sunbeams, this election is not perfect, but Mercury overpowers the Sun a great deal nonetheless.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Black Moon in action

The following is a case study I've been allowed to make public by one of my readers. She read Asteria and was intrigued by what she came across on BML in there. Further personal study on the subject made her conclude certain problems she constantly experienced were being caused by her natal BML and certain hard aspects it is involved in.

She contacted me at some point, we discussed the matter and she agreed to begin work on solving the problem by addressing its causes through magical means. I cautioned her it can prove to be a lengthy and, at least at times, arduous process that can have her experience a roller-coaster ride of emotions as well as macrocosmic struggles for a while, but she was determined to deal with it once and for all. We settled on an approach based gradual increase in intensity so that she wouldn't become overwhelming quickly by any probable unpleasant experiences she'd need to go through to reach the core of the issue and fix it.

I won't be going into her experiences relating to her magical work on herself, nor the work itself. Instead, I will offer one of her revelations relating to how BML's influences have affected her life. Both of us consider it necessary for others to have at least an idea of how this energy works even if in others' cases it can very well manifest differently. Nevertheless, the way these influences manifest individually is not important, but the mechanism is, since recognizing it should help a great deal in understanding this energy more.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

More on transits

This is the second article I've dedicated solely to transits. In the initial one I addressed how they work, while this one will cover more specific details. More exactly, it will cover beneficial transits that manifest subpar.

To begin with, Jupiter and Venus are known for a long time as Benefics. The former is known as the Greater Benefic and the latter as the Lesser. The reasons for this are unimportant to this article. Suffice to say Jupiter has a greater and more lasting beneficial influence than Venus and their transit speeds should point this out even if I wasn't referring to transit speeds when I mentioned said reasons.

At any rate, one is to expect Jupiter and Venus transits in relation to their natal chart to bring quite a few pleasant and desired outcomes. This should be expected if the two transiting planets are involved in harmonious aspects with contents of the natal chart. Moreover, areas of the natal house any of the two transit at any time should be improved and the native should benefit a great deal in those areas.