Thursday, March 13, 2025

Pain removal technique

I recently met a most dazzling lady. While our subjects of discussion centered around other matters, we also had a lengthy conversation surrounding the occult. Even though she's a globetrotter and a constant attendee at red carpet events she is also involved in the more fantastic side of life, so to speak. All armchair occultists out there should take note that if someone who's constantly on the go and with a schedule as busy as the world's biggest airports' can take their time for occult practice, anyone can.

Anyway, this charming lady is also a teacher. Besides the usual school curriculum she has her students perform certain exercises involving visualization, the kind of stuff magicians often do. For example, she told me of a simple cleansing exercise where the kids would visualize brilliant light flowing down onto them from above, going through their bodies and clearing out all nastiness that would flow through imagined roots all the way to a crystal at the center of the Earth. Then beneficial energies would rise from that crystal through the roots and filling their bodies.

Being taught magical techniques at school is cool af and I think this should become the norm!

Throughout time I've had my fair share of physical pain and even before I started on the occult path I began developing all sorts of coping mechanisms that worked more or less. I recently discussed this techique which, although it's not universal panacea, does help better than I initially expected. Previously I used to trap the pain inside a "force bubble" and constrain it to subside or at least not increaseand, using sheer willpower (often accompanied by violently cursing it in my mind). 

I found the lady's technique more pleasant, especially since it takes a friendly approach instead of a brutish one. Naturally, children would be more inclined towards it and it goes to show that teachers who actually love their job of helping and educating others still exist. The technique is as following:

1. Visualize the pain. Does it have a shape? Does it have a color? Does it have any particularities such as spikes, jagged edges, etc? Mentally note these details. After you have a clear image of the pain, proceed to the next step.

2. Using your will change the shape of the pain. Pull it, squeeze it, twist it, etc. If it has spikes, blunt them, and so on. Change its color. Move it around. Once done, you're ready for the last step.

3. Visualize the pain in the shape and color you've changed it into. Image it slowly detaching from your body. Once it leaves your physical body, fling it outward into the ether.

I've tried this myself and was well pleased with the result. I did a small twist at #3 compared to her technique, but the outcome was impressive. My pain appeared as an elongated smudge ranging ranging from dark red at the edges to molten white-hot at its center. First I changed its color to green with a yellow center. Then I visualized it as being made of soap bubbles. Lastly, I visualizer those bubbles popping one by one or a bunch at a time until the whole thing disappeared. I felt the pain subsiding the moment the bubbles started popping and it was gone by the time the last of the bubbles disappeared.

I demand teachers study and impart magical knowledge to their students even as playful interaction in-between actual school work!

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