Whether you're doing a Moon ritual, making a lunar talisman or a simple lunar petition, the following election is as good as they get. I would recommend using it for making a lasting talisman for beneficial goals.
The date is set for my location, but feel free to adjust it to yours. Also, you can juggle a bit with the chart to see whether the Moon rising or culminating will suit your needs better. Mind you though, depending on your location, you might not get the Moon in its decan although that shouldn't be a cause for worrying.
In the above chart the culminating waxing Moon is exalted, in triplicity and in its decan. It is applying to a sextile with Saturn and in a separating sextile with Venus. It's not involved in any hard applyig or separating aspects.
If you're interested in acquiring specific elections don't hesitate to contact me.