Saturday, July 20, 2024

Checklist for Therapies and Styles of Magic

What follows is a translation of Señor Shaman's article I considered important to share.

"Checklist for Therapies and Styles of Magic

One of the significant challenges faced by someone learning Magic is assessing whether the system (or style, tradition, or technique) is good or not. This is equally true for any spiritual technique. The lack of experience or reference points in many schools makes it difficult to understand if something is truly of quality.
Additionally, for whatever reason, those who instruct or are defined as experts in these techniques often do not share critical information or directly evade questions on critical issues.

Multiple paths can be taken to evaluate the quality of a magical technique or school. For now, I will only consider three elements of consistency, namely:

•  Self-consistency or consistency with itself.

•  Consistency with natural laws.

•  Theory-practice consistency or alignment with promised results.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Hail! Storm!

Following the previous resounding success, I was contacted by Iustin just now who sent me a live video of the current weather in downtown Bucharest. Not only was it raining cats and dogs, a hailstorm just appeared out of nowhere. You can see a screenshot of his video above. A few minutes later a downpour also began in the area I was at the time, closer to the periphery.

Both myself and Iustin have tackled the weather magically a few weeks ago in order to fight the summer heat and drought here. Considering the weather reports said nothing of rain for a considerable time, this unexpected event is a huge finger to the forecasters. It's not the first time I've shown them the finger and it's not going to be the last. 


Whether you're afraid of global warning or just want to deal with local weather issues, you can try the rituals linked above for yourself (then let me know how it went).

Monday, July 8, 2024

Sign of hard relationships

The Magick of Astrorelationships deals with healing mundane relationships, whether romantic or otherwise, through magical means.

Throughout time I've investigated a considerable number of relationships, including my own, and reached more than a few conclusions. Some of them can be found in both Asteria 1 and 2 in some form or another. Others I've kept to myself and would only share in close circles if needed. But I'm going to share one such conclusion I've noticed in more than one unhappy couple.

What I'm about to say involves the study of both partners' natal charts in parallel in regards to daily transits over each one and how they apply to each of the two natives. While a gruesome symastry will probably result in a horrible relationship experience sooner or later, transits do affect this a great deal, as implied in Shaman's article on karma in Asteria 2.

But anyway, here's the gist.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Venus still combust

As I've mentioned in this article, Venus was cazimi at 14° Gemini. Afterwards it became combust again, though slowly distancing itself from the Sun.

Since the two heavenly bodies have very similar transit speeds, with Venus being slightly faster, the latter was combust for a considerable time. The combustion will end on July 7, but Venus will still be weaker until it gains enough distance. Even so, it will soon enter Virgo afterwards, a sign where it is very weak.

My recommendation would be to be careful with any rituals and spells involving Venus' forces during the above-mentioned period, especially during its Virgo transit. Do not buy or make Venus talismans for beneficial purposes during this lengthy time!