Monday, July 8, 2024

Sign of hard relationships

The Magick of Astrorelationships deals with healing mundane relationships, whether romantic or otherwise, through magical means.

Throughout time I've investigated a considerable number of relationships, including my own, and reached more than a few conclusions. Some of them can be found in both Asteria 1 and 2 in some form or another. Others I've kept to myself and would only share in close circles if needed. But I'm going to share one such conclusion I've noticed in more than one unhappy couple.

What I'm about to say involves the study of both partners' natal charts in parallel in regards to daily transits over each one and how they apply to each of the two natives. While a gruesome symastry will probably result in a horrible relationship experience sooner or later, transits do affect this a great deal, as implied in Shaman's article on karma in Asteria 2.

But anyway, here's the gist.

If one of the partners experiences at least one pleasant transit while the other experiences at least one hard one at the same time and this pattern keeps repeating, it's not a good sign at all. This is especially true if one partner experiences pleasant transits that favor amorous endeavors while at the same time the other experiences hard transits that favor hardships. In such cases one of them will probably invite the other to a romantic dinner or prepare it themselves, while their partner can end up suffering an accident, being arrested, ending up in a fight with someone else or even with their partner, etc.

This does not mean any of them is to blame, but that these repeated out of sync occurrence will sooner or later drive a wedge between the two. In this fucked up world we're living in, in which two people forming a couple barely have time and/or energy to share some intimacy, this counts a great deal. Sooner or later either or both will end up being fed up with all that crap and seek something smoother, regardless of their feelings for the other. I dare to say this would occur even to some who are well versed in sixth house themes and who are more than willing and able to make sacrifices.

As an example, I offer one of my own past relationship and that of a client I've helped several years ago. Each time I had a kinky transit and was ready to brwak the bed with her, as they say around here , the woman had a nasty one and it all fell apart for me. It applied the other way aroundas well, which in the end caused the separation. 

Similarly, my client experienced the same with her man. The difference is that, unlike myself, she cast on her relationship to increase mutual feelings and attraction and so forth, but to no avail in the end. The rituals did their job alright, but their frustration increased once the transits started kicking in and increased their own frustration even more.

That's why I wrote Magick Pills for Hard Transits.

Once she started doing that kind of work, she noticed improvements in her couple. Even so, this means a constant willingness and ability to takle each of the two's transits as they come up. It can prove a daunting task for anyone, especially since transits are many and constant.

Life is complicated, even with woowoo in your bag of tricks.

C'est la vie!


  1. I wanted to ask you about indirect influence of Planets?
    Let s say a person has a Pluto good aspect with Saturn and Saturn has a good aspect with Mars!IMars has no aspect with Pluto.
    Is the Saturn/Mars positive aspect more powerfull since Pluto helps Saturn and Saturn somehow helps Mars in enduring hardships but with Pluto it adds a deeper shade?

  2. I find it hard believe Mars has no aspect with Pluto if they both aspect Saturn. Nevertheless, if there's no aspect between them they are unlikely to influence each other.

  3. Saturn just shares a aspect with Pluto ..Mars don't !So planets just influence each other with aspects beetwen them...there s no indirect influence or combination!
