Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Multilevel houses

For a few years now I've been contemplating the astrological houses every chance I got. I wasn't able to address everything I came up with surrounding them in the articles I've tagged because I wasn't able to put all my thoughts into words at the time, let alone explain each concept I wanted to present further but left out in a way that'd make it easily understandable. That's why I'm well aware those articles are lacking, but they will have to do for now.

There's a couple of other things I wanted to discuss surrounding the houses and now is a good a time as any to address one of them. They say the houses are areas of life, but one should not imagine each of them as being a pen stuffed with certain areas. Instead, it would be more logical to think of them as a whole as one big library, each of the houses representing one large row of book cases. Each case would contain a certain area corresponding to its appropriate house. Each case in turn would have shelves that represent different levels of possibilities in regards to said area. The books on the shelves, the pages within those books and each individual word would represent more and more particular minute details.

A person's own experiences surrounding the houses would have them come into contact with certain shelves and books, whereas another person would come into contact with different ones and so on, regardless if some shelves and books overlap between two or more people. This has to do with any placement inside their natal houses, any aspect said placement is involved in and the nature of the aspects. Since no two charts are alike, it figures. And let's not forget the influence of the transits.

If I were to briefly exemplify my thinking, imagine the following (few) extremes as the bottom and top shelves of each book case, respectively, and the rest of the shelves representing every possiblity in between.

House 1: imbecile, sickly, ugly - genius, healthy, beautiful

House 2: poor af, sick of one's self - very rich, proud of one's self

House 3: unable to learn shit, unable to interact, targeted by thieves, bad relations with siblings and/or neighbors (being gossipped by everyone) - good at school, great oratorical skills, safe from theft, pleasant relations with siblings and/or neighbors

House 4: no house or difficulty keeping one (even rental), house looks like a crack house, no or abusive father or grandfather, no family, lack of patriotic sense - fine home that's being kept tidy constantly, more than a decent family with a kind father (and grandfather), loves one's country

House 5: unable to enjoy one's self, no children or terrible or sickly ones (even losing them), no sex or sexual pleasure - constantly enjoying life's pleasures in as many ways as possible (even the simplest), healthy sex life (to say the least)

House 6: being treated like an object in an over demanding work environment that can be toxic (both literally and metaphorically) and filthy, constant life threatening events - excellent job with great coworkers (even working at home), healthy habits and routines, safe of accidents and disease

House 7: no relationship or a catastrophic one, constant fighting with an increasing number of enemies - long lasting mutually beneficial serious relationship (even marriage) with ideal partner

House 8: repeating near death experiences (including surgeries and being comatose), forever in great debt, being haunted by nasty spirits - obtaining a inheritance, peaceful death at old age

House 9: constantly on the wrong side of the law, no understanding in regards to advantage knowledge, narrow-minded dogmatic religious fanaticism - understanding the law and abiding by it (even finding loopholes in one's favor), PhD, constant travel abroad and interacting with different foreign cultures, advanced personal spiritual that does not exclude others' and is open to more

House 10: constant conflict with authorities, hellish bosses and superiors, no mother or bad relations with her - no issues with authorities, progressing career (possibly with help from superiors), good relations with mother

House 11: no friends or (many) not-friends, worthless hopes and dreams, no connection to one's Higher Self - real friends that offer help and support, healthy hopes and dreams that will materialize, constantly in tune with Higher Self

House 12: long jail sentence or multiple sentences, severe mental illness and constant seclusion (likely in asylums), constantly being magically cursed (by unknown enemies) - clear understanding of what this house means and how to use it for one's benefit (see Asteria 2)

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