But my folks got their US visas renewed this past summer and they planned a vacation across the pond in the fall. I immediately told them I need them to buy those damn books as soon as they get there, especially since Scott announced the third volume will published around that time. They've done just that and I came into their possession the day my folks touched home soil again.
Now, I've been working with the Heptarchy ever since I came across Scott's splendid article on the topic and was fortunate to receive detailed help and guidance from him. So far I've had more than a fair share of success. I also read his article on the Great Table and found it way more complicated, but you'd have to consider the fact I'm dumb so you may very well find it simple. I had also read his Aires article and wanted to give that a try as well, but my magical path took me on different routes. Maybe at some point in the near future I will manage to take it for a spin since I've got some wicked plans for it >:D