Thursday, November 24, 2022

Book review: Enochian series

I wanted to get my hands on Scott's Enochian books (this, this and this) for a long time, but unfortunately I couldn't afford them at first since shipping across the pond costs an arm and a leg compared to the actual price you pay for the books themselves. Later on I was able to afford them, only to have to wait for the third and final book of the series to be published. That kept dragging on and so I had no choice but to archive the thought of buying all three of them at once. 

But my folks got their US visas renewed this past summer and they planned a vacation across the pond in the fall. I immediately told them I need them to buy those damn books as soon as they get there, especially since Scott announced the third volume will published around that time. They've done just that and I came into their possession the day my folks touched home soil again.

Now, I've been working with the Heptarchy ever since I came across Scott's splendid article on the topic and was fortunate to receive detailed help and guidance from him. So far I've had more than a fair share of success. I also read his article on the Great Table and found it way more complicated, but you'd have to consider the fact I'm dumb so you may very well find it simple. I had also read his Aires article and wanted to give that a try as well, but my magical path took me on different routes. Maybe at some point in the near future I will manage to take it for a spin since I've got some wicked plans for it >:D

Monday, November 21, 2022

Get your energy therapy

A person whom I've fallen in love with more than once over the past few years for more than a few reasons is heavy into energy therapy. This is a broad field that covers more than a few systems and makes use of techniques from more than a few cultures. Nowadays people are mostly aware of light and fluffy New Agey crap that "borrowed" some of these practices and applied them in a shallow, retarded way. 

Unlike them silly crystal sucking dimwits, the person I'm referring to performs this kind of therapy using traditional methods. This includes Reiki and crystal work, probably two of the most bastardized energy work practices over the last few decades. I mean, both of them have become a major trend, either together or independently, attracting all sorts of TikTok and Instagram weirdos who find it cool to post pix and vids of themselves undergoing such sessions. But having someone tickling your sides or rubbing crystals on your Mons Venus for immediate fun is a far cry from actual therapeutic sessions with beneficial lasting effects.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Stealing without air quotes

"Steal from the best" is one of Scott's sayings. It refers to borrowing techniques and tricks of the trade from experienced occultists to see whether they improve personal work and to keep using them if they do. It doesn't refer to taking other people's material and making it your own, especially in official ways!

It has come to my attention the head of some wack ass GD wannabe order has stolen material originally published by one Samuel Scarborough. People who read my books might be familiar with this name since I've quoted his work more than once and at least two or three of my books have his work mentioned in the bibliography. The last book I've mentioned his work in was Cielos, where I also talk about the likes of the aforementioned scum characters who appropriate others' material and stamp their name on it. In that book I warn people to stay clear of such characters while providing more than enough clues to recognize them.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Medicinal woowoo

Some five years ago I began making all sorts of magical elixirs, most of them for the purpose of dealing with various health issues. I've also talked about this tangentially in my Chiron book although those workings were slightly different.

One of the purposes for those elixirs was to get rid of nasal polyps that had been bugging me for as long as I could remember. It turns out the elixirs I've made for that purpose worked and I'm free of such issues. I used a variation of one of the operations found in my fitness magick stuff and the doctors said I've got enlarged nasal turbinates now. I must've had them for a long time since although I could breathe easier after making and consuming the elixirs that targeted the polyps, I still couldn't breathe normally.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Importance of daily practice

I addressed the importance of daily practice in Words. In that book I've covered the vertical component in regards to its implication in detail and now I will address its horizontal one more. To save people time and effort, I will do so briefly and to the point.

Daily practice allows you to learn your ritual templates backwards. Constant repetition trains both your mind and your body to go through the motions involved in specific rituals. Daily practice does not involve working with spiritual entities and so the practitioner won't perform more advanced techniques during such sessions, but it can consist of preliminary ones such as casting the circle and addressing the divine. These two components are important regardless whether you're into lodge or grimoire stuff and repeating them over and over again will practically nail those procedures deep into your brain.

Other things such as lighting candles and incense for meditative purposes are also part of rituals. Therefore, establishing the right times to do them during practice sessions will prevent you from fumbling during actual rituals focused on contacting otherworldly stuff. Meditation too serves its role during rituals in which the operant wants to communicate with the entities he or she has called upon and so training the mind to slip into a meditative state smoother will allow one easier contact with those entities (although it depends how much time will pass before one's psychic senses develop to a degree to allow them to see and/or hear and/or sense spirits).

Monday, November 7, 2022

Hail Hecate!

About five weeks ago (5 x 7 days) I was contacted by a man who desperately needed to go abroad to start a new job. The problem was he didn't have the money for that endeavor, nor could he come up with it in such a short time. He was barely able to pay me for my ritual service.

Besides the plane ticket, he also had to undergo certain medical exams that would determine he's fit for work. He then had to appeal to a professional legal translator to translate that paperwork, after which he had to legalize that paperwork for it to be accepted by his soon to be employer.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Exorcising food

This might be long overdue to some since it's been around for more than an year or so, but it has come to my attention there's alleged occult experts out there who sell some kind of over the top $200 magical weight loss food of some kind. Moreover, said magical food is also said to confer wealth, among other things, which made me immediately think of some guy from Africa who was bragging about eating Martian pentacles with eggs for protection. Hopefully for him, the pentacles were drawn on paper, but the actual problem is that they weren't even consecrated, i.e. charge (for all ye wannabes).

But I'm digressing. You're telling me I can woowoo a sandwich for wealth? That's rich! Pun intended. Don't get me wrong, I'd believe you if you'd tell me you woowoo your sandwich for wight loss and it worked, even if you used an exorcism turned into a part of a godhead assumption technique two thousand years later. But there's no way in hell you can tell me that sandwich will make you wealthy after eating it and I'd believe you! Especially with that kind of operation over it, which works on the same principle as exorcising your toaster so it'd fix itself and start working again.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Unexpected reader

I was pleasantly surprised to receive an email from someone I had never thought would've been interested in the occult who sent me the attached picture. She said she knew I was into the occult even though I spoke no such thing with her except for telling her I'm interested in "Hermetix" years back. I did share some peculiar prayers to her over time, but she didn't seem to be interested in making use of them so I thought they must've bounced off of her.

But it appears she wants to expand her overall knowledge of the world and she probably considered the occult a good place to start. Given the many books on this subject available out there, the fact she started by buying mine (The Magick of Astrorelationships and Magic Words) means a lot to me and I can't thank her enough. I should punish the person who I imagine let her in on the whole thing though, meaning my alias and all that, haha.