Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Romanian New Year kinks

For the last post of the year I will add an article about various Romanian traditions, charms and practices of a superstitious nature relating to the New Year, along with a few superstitions relating to this time. Although some of those practices can come across as simple superstitions, they stem from beliefs that span back into the midst of time. They are part of the popular, agrarian calendar that in many cases overlaps with the religious one. This increases the diversity of the customs and their symbolism.

Some of those beliefs were identical to or at least similar to some degree to those of other cultures regardless of geographical location. Others still, are unique to these lands and in many cases they are unique not only between different historical provinces, but also between various regions that compose each province. Therefore, I can only write down but a few of them. You'll have to excuse me for switching between tenses and all the grammar quirks, since it's been cumbersome to flip through several exhaustive sources over a very short period and to translate from them at the same time.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Spiritual authority

One of the major underlying themes in my Magic Words addresses spiritual authority, or the magician's ability to command spirits. The book also discusses offerings by providing more science-like details with respect to how they work, among other things. 

For some time now I've been paying more attention to Romanian folklore and I began to recall the old stories my grandma used to tell me. This made me broaden my search and I started to look up various customs and habits, as well as mythological entities from this neck of the woods. It just so happens I've come across rather detailed references to the Mother of the Woods as she's widely known around here, although she is also known by other names depending on region. How does this fit with my book? Stick around and I will tell you.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Lunar call

And since there's a Full Moon today, I guess it's a good time to add the lunar call from The Anthology of Romanian Popular Charms I mentioned in the previous article. Again, Im not able to translate in rhymes...

Documented by S. F. Marian - Spells, from Mitrocul Dragomirnei - Suceava

"Moon, Moon / Vârgomoon! You are proud and fair / You are night's queen / Horse you have / Reins you lack / Here, take my waist* / And make reins [of it] / For your horse / So you may go after the one that's destined for me / Should he (or she) be here in the village / Should he (or she) be from the next village / Should he (or she) be from the third village / Or from the ninth village / Give them no respite / Nor comfort / May he (or she) not sleep / [May he (or she)] not rest / Until such time they come to me!"

Obviously, this call is for a love goal. The term "vârgomoon" is an associations of the words "virgin" and "moon" and alludes to the goddess Diana.

*The waist is a traditional belt-like clothing accessory worn by both men and women. In some regions it was made of leather.

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

Solar calls

At the end of yesterday's article I mentioned a charm for love from The Anthology of Romanian Popular Charms, compiled and edited by Radu Răutu. Besides charms for specific goals, the book also contains a few prayer-like structures referred to as calls. Specifically, there are a few solar calls, one lunar call and quite a few stellar calls. 

Since Solstice is upon us, it came to me I should translate the solar calls and add them here. The calls themselves are a form of prayers that call on the magical aspects of the Sun - I usually write Sun and Moon with capital letters whenever I'm referring to the divine consciousness behind them, while I use lowercase letters whenever I'm referring to the physical cosmic objects; in this case I will refer to the Sun by writing it beginning with capital S, despite the text also referencing attributes of the physical sun. Unfortunately, I'm unable to translate them in rhyme as its their original structure. I would have to make certain modifications to the text to preserve the essence of its meaning though.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Old Romanian charms

Now that my Magic Words is out I figured I'd share some old charms from my neck of the woods. They are mostly spoken formulae although various tools and ingredients are also used depending on the goal they are used for. Talk about protocol, huh? 

Similar charms are found in various cultures around the world. During my time in the occult I came across somewhat similar ones in sources like the Egyptian Secrets, The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet, or Ancient Christian Magic so it's not like these are their own trend or something. What makes them special to me is simply that they come from around here. 

Such magical workings were usually performed by old women known by a term that would be the equivalent of both old woman and hag in English. Whereas the stereotypical image of a witch in the western world is a woman with a pointy hat, the hags from around here usually looked like the old woman depicted in the above image. While some men also performed this role, women were predominant in this field. These people were often both feared and respected in their community and people took great care not to cross them. It was not uncommon for priests to send sickly people to the hags whenever their religious work could not provide relief from suffering.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Beyond psychological...

...but wtf do you know?

It's been a few years now since I ceased to be pissed off whenever I came across alleged occultists stating that lodge magick is psychological. It became obvious to me those people knew very little relating to the occult in general and it is possible that their innate ignorance prevented them from trying to understand magical systems other than then ones (mostly one!) they're using. The fact some of the people who made this stupid statement aspire to fame and glory as renowned occultists should cause people to question their overall knowledge and experience, but that's not the point of this article.

If you've read Asteria, even the first few pages, it's likely you've come across a phrase that says "a magical act is in itself an interaction between the magician’s consciousness and the outside world." This should be a no brainer for any practicing occultist yet what I forgot to write at that time was that it does not take place on a physical level, otherwise practically any mundane experience during a person's life time can be considered a magical act - my bad! I do speak about magicians elevating their consciousness in Magic Words and the benefits resulting from that. I think I also said in The Magick of Astrorelationships that you can't be in the same mindset when you're doing a magical ritual as when you're at a strip club, but that was a very short explanation in a book that targeted people who want to address relationship issues (and then some) using magical means more, than those who seek to pursue a lifelong magical path.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Magic Words


FINALLY! ABOUT FREAKIN TIME! Supposed to be out 18 months ago...

Anyway, this magnificent piece of magical... NAH! This book of mine got published today by Lord Manticore. I published it independently earlier this summer and it got the attention of LM so I decided to remove it from amazon and awaited for it to be published elsewhere. I was told I needed to make some changes to the original because apparently it was going to hurt some people's feelings and make them cry so much they were prone to sue me and although I cared not about that, I reluctantly made the changes. It doesn't mean it's not going to irritate people and so on. And then I waited... and waited... and then I started cursing... and it finally came out at some point.

At any rate, this short book was written from my overall experiences in occult social media over the past five years or more. It addresses basic things that answer many repetitive questions I've encountered along the way from people who were in their early magical days, but not exclusively from them.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Occult customer awareness 2

This is a follow-up on my previous article. In this article I'll be discussing #2 contained within the definition of customer support I've found online, namely "how conscious customers are of their needs or wants in relation to your company's offerings." 

In the past I've worked in the retail business for more than enough time in something akin to an Apple store around here, but which also sold washing machines and refrigerators and so on. During that time I've encountered all sorts of people, ranging from those who simply nose around in stores criticizing the merchandise out of spite because they can't afford it to those who walk up to a product with cash in hand saying they want that one. And then there are the people in between who have to be more or less tutored in the specifics of each product they are interested in based on their specific needs.

The problem is not everyone knows what their needs are and some of people have a harder time expressing those needs. Others confuse their needs with their wants. Others still misunderstand the explanations they receive for various reasons, Mercury retro perhaps, and this case, along with a negligent salesman generate the most amount of complaints these stores receive. I will offer three examples based on personal experience: