Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Venus post-retro

Venus will be retrograde between March 2 and April 13, between 10°50' Aries and 24°37' Pisces. It will thus do an about face in its sign of exile and return into that of its exaltation.

Naturally, beneficial magical operations involving the planet's forces should be avoided during this time. Unless you're a money hungry wannabe who sells stuff made irrespective of astro times. Anyway, Venus' return into Pisces shouldn't raise our hopes too much either.

While it will benefit from a pleasant conjunction with the North Node, something that will boost its power, it will shortly run into Saturn. Given Venus will be slower than usual even when back in direct motion, the conjunction wih Saturn can seriously cripple any beneficial Venus ritual. Not to mention Venus talismans made during that time.

That being said, the above chart is the best I could get out of Venus' returning to direct motion while still in Pisces. The election is far from being great, but it should do if in dire need. Having Venus rising instead of culminating would be even better, since the Moon would be further away from Uranus. Afterwards it's best to wait for more than a month until it will enter Taurus.

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