Monday, January 20, 2025

Pluto pathworking

In Cielos I spoke about working with the outer planets and presented means of doing so, including a couple of spirit names. I also said that unlike Uranus and Neptune, I had yet to work with Pluto by the time I was writing the book. But that has changed as of last month.

Shortly before the New Year I did a ritual to call on the planet's angel. For the past year I had been receiving signs in the form of news of the planet showing up in non-related online seaarches and memories of me thinking of working with Pluto years back suddenly popping into my awareness. I dismissed them at the time when instead instead I should've recognized them as such.

It arrived and I greeted it and presented it with a tea light as a welcoming gift. I got a name and even though it checks out as being that of an actual angel according to A Dictionary of Angels, I will refrain from making it public for a while until I experiment more.

Since the astrology was not to my liking at the time, I chose not to turn the ritual into a practical one. Instead, I asked the angel to assist me in doing a pathworking through its planetary sphere. I was told to close my eyes and imagine what could pass on as the gates to the Underworld and step through them.

The details of the pathworking are irrelevant since they are personal and thus not provide actual objective info. I will say the angel guided me from "above" and upon "looking" at it I saw a somewhat frightening image resembling a Dark Archon from Starcraft. But that too is subjective and the spirit can very well appear differently to others. That's just how my mind interpreted the imagine, probably since I used to play Starcraft a long time ago and was fascinated by Dark Archons.

I finished the pathworking, thanked the spirit and licensed it to depart, then closed the ritual as usual. Afterwards I did a geomantic reading to see whether I really succeed in contacting the angel of Pluto or if it was simply wishful thinking.
The answer is an obvious "Yes" and my figure appears as Albus, which is good for magical work. The ritual appears as Aquisitio, a great figure for rituals of evocation or invocation. Even though my figure doesn't connect with the ritual's in the chart, rhe two do form Caput which appears in front of mine, singling a beginning I'm aware. This confirms the message I received as I was told by the angel we'd be working again more than once.

A few days ago I did a second ritual, this time a practical one and I'm still awaiting for signs of how its working. I will get back with more details on working with Pluto as soon as I perform more rituals.


  1. Is it true that Outer Planet like Pluto have only a generational effect except aspects with personal planets !
    What if Pluto shares positive aspect with Saturn or Neptune... are the effects in natal chart noticable?

  2. Imo trans-saturnian objects have an effect on both individuals and the community, but the fact they're more distant and move slower their influence is felt to a lesser degree and over a longer time. By lesser degree it can also mean they're less easily discernable because the psyche is more aware of the other forces.

    Someone will feel Pluto's effects in their chart if the planet is involved in aspects with other planets or points. The effects will be felt stronger if Pluto is in aspect with natal angles or personal planets

  3. Eagerly waiting for results. Can't wait to finally know the archangels of the outer planets.
