Monday, September 2, 2024

Black Moon in action

The following is a case study I've been allowed to make public by one of my readers. She read Asteria and was intrigued by what she came across on BML in there. Further personal study on the subject made her conclude certain problems she constantly experienced were being caused by her natal BML and certain hard aspects it is involved in.

She contacted me at some point, we discussed the matter and she agreed to begin work on solving the problem by addressing its causes through magical means. I cautioned her it can prove to be a lengthy and, at least at times, arduous process that can have her experience a roller-coaster ride of emotions as well as macrocosmic struggles for a while, but she was determined to deal with it once and for all. We settled on an approach based gradual increase in intensity so that she wouldn't become overwhelming quickly by any probable unpleasant experiences she'd need to go through to reach the core of the issue and fix it.

I won't be going into her experiences relating to her magical work on herself, nor the work itself. Instead, I will offer one of her revelations relating to how BML's influences have affected her life. Both of us consider it necessary for others to have at least an idea of how this energy works even if in others' cases it can very well manifest differently. Nevertheless, the way these influences manifest individually is not important, but the mechanism is, since recognizing it should help a great deal in understanding this energy more.

To the point, the woman remembered that during her last year in college she was highly infatuated with a guy. They seemed to get along very well and her impression at the time was he at least liked her more than a friend. For some reason neither of them apparently had the guts to propose proceeding further with their relationship. She, at any rate, was scared as hell to make such a proposal, while the guy seemed to think it over without actually verbalizing it or even hinting towards it.

This went on for a while, during which time they played all sorts of apparently harmless games with each other, but games that caused emotional damage, at least for her (since she had no clue whether he was going through a similar experience). The most prominent game, at least from her perspective, was both of them talking about other people as possible romantic interests in order to observe the other's reactions, if any.

During one of their conversations the guy told her he met another girl and the two of them seemed to be getting along very well quite quickly, yet they hadn't engaged into anything romantic. He kept ramblung on about the other girl and, even if she didn't show any sign of being bothered, she was raging inside. He even inserted some of those girl's physical features and saying she had full lips was the straw that broke the camel's back.

My reader barely refrained from lashing out at him at the time and instead kept silent. She pushed that detail deep inside of her and in time tried her best to suppress any memory of it. On top of that, instead of lashing out at him as her impulses at the time dictated, she kept silent but later on started lashing out at people for all sorts of made up reasons just to justify herself, whenever she felt those memories lurking just outside her conscious thoughts. She lashed out even harder whenever someone triggered those memories back into her in various ways, apparently unrelated to her past experience with the guy from high school. The reason for this is the way her mind made certain automatic connections between unrelated things, people and events. In this case the connections were between what caused her future lashings out and what the guy had told her back in the day, even though the links between the disparate events consisted of mostly unrelated memories, thoughts and emotions.

For example, years after she graduated from college she was on lunch break with some coworkers. One of her male colleagues made a somewhat rude joke involving a scene from a certain movie. She usually didn't mind her colleagues making jokes, even rude ones, and often joined them into laughing and contributing with her own jokes. But that time it was different. She remembered that movie very well and knew one of the main characters had a dog of a certain breed. She instinctively knew the girl that guy from college told her about having full lips as having had the same breed of dog, because he just had to ramble on covering as many details about her he was aware. Neither the movie nor the dog were important. That girl wasn't that important either, but the fact she had full lips was! The fact that guy seemed so interested in her st the time to he point he remembered all sorts of details about her made her think he found her appealling and that was highly important! But the fact she hadn't been involved in a romantic relationship with him was of utmost importance! She concluded he was interested in that girl because of her distinct facial features, features she herself lacked.

To end the story, she told her present company at the time she lashed out because she found the joke too obnoxious even if she knew it was only a mild one. She knew her colleagues were aware she didn't mind listening to that kind of joke, but she insisted that particular one was too much and she felt offended. Notice the way she pulled a 180 on her peers, contradicting her usual behavior up to that point. Her working on herself made her aware her colleagues started seeing her differently from then on, even a bit, and that probably contributed to future unpleasant events she went through at that particular job later on. She figured those people must've started seeing her as having a certain degree of hypocrisy and, in consequence, began dealing with her accordingly.

Regarding the causes of her BML issues relating to this example, the fact of the matter is she had always been self-conscious in regards to her physicality. One of the features she highly despised about herself was the fact she didn't have full lips and often felt ashamed because of it. She kept that hidden from everyone, not wanting to draw even more attention to herself in regards to it, as she imagined people were already noticing it and it made her feel less desired in their eyes. She was highly confident one of the main causes she and the guy from college hadn't been out on an actual romantic date even, notwithstanding their constant hangings on as friends, was that he didn't feel attracted to her because she didn't have full lips. That made her mad as hell.

To be honest, I find her to be attractive and found her hot during her college years. She did share a few photos of herself during her magical work to fix her issues and asked for my honest answer. True, on a scale of no lips to duck lips her's are slightly below average, but that does not and did not make her less physically desirable. Even so, her self-consciousness rendered any such outside opinions useless and caused her even more problems along the way because her disagreeing with them kept feeding the kind of behavior her coworkers noticed.

She went on to spend money on plastic physicians for all sorts of botox shots and so on. She didn't want duck lips since she considers them gross, but became somewhat obsessed to having lips like the ones she imagined the girl that guy from college told her about had. She had never seen that girl, either in person or in pictures, but her imagination constructed an image of what she considered were "perfect lips" and she pressed on towards achieving that "perfection". 

She did that until such time she experienced adverse effects to certain substances in those shots. That caused her some lengthy suffering both physically and financially, not to mention emotionally. She eventually managed to overcome the physical and financial issues, but not without hardships. Yet she had no idea how to even begin to deal with the emotional baggage. Turns out her reading Asteria opened the path that would eventually lead to her finally healing them.

Right now she's been on that path for a considerable time and, even though she's still encountering some difficult obstacles every so often, she feels more relieved each time she manages to overcome them.

I'm sure she will achieve great success!

Oh, did I mention she and that guy also share some turbulent BML interactions in synastry? No surprising their friendship ended abruptly after a sudden falling out.

The example presented here can be extrapolated to encompass other "mine zones" people usually have to a more or less extent. They can range from subjective things like self-worth to objective ones such as being financially poor or illiterate. Regardless of the areas they arise from, they can become hazardous for any native along his or her lifetime. The key here is becoming aware, acknowledging and accepting them. Later on they can be used to work for the native instead of against them.

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