Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Hail! Storm!

Following the previous resounding success, I was contacted by Iustin just now who sent me a live video of the current weather in downtown Bucharest. Not only was it raining cats and dogs, a hailstorm just appeared out of nowhere. You can see a screenshot of his video above. A few minutes later a downpour also began in the area I was at the time, closer to the periphery.

Both myself and Iustin have tackled the weather magically a few weeks ago in order to fight the summer heat and drought here. Considering the weather reports said nothing of rain for a considerable time, this unexpected event is a huge finger to the forecasters. It's not the first time I've shown them the finger and it's not going to be the last. 


Whether you're afraid of global warning or just want to deal with local weather issues, you can try the rituals linked above for yourself (then let me know how it went).

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