Monday, December 7, 2020

Spirits of the fixed stars

Ever since I became aware of the fixed stars and their magical uses I searched for their spirits, not knowing at that time there are no spirits attributed to them in old sources. They're not in any new source, for that matter. I soon learned that, when working with the fixed stars, the operant simply invokes the star of choice and asks for its energies to consecrate a talisman for purposes covered by the power of said star. The invocation can be something as simple as the Orphic hymn to the stars, yet it has to be performed at specific auspicious times for the effects of the operation to be successful - i.e. for the talisman to produce the desired effects.

But what about the spirits? From a Qabalistic perspective, the fixed stars are attributed to Chockmah. This sephira is ruled by archangel Raziel and people usually know that the zodiac is attributed to it. The sings of the zodiac all have spirit attributions, as per old sources. The Golden Dawn have compiled these attributions along with others relating to the signs, yet people nowadays can come across them easier thanks to Uncle Al who published them in Liber 777, most likely having received them from Mathers. Even so, no mention of spirits of fixed stars. I mean, there have to be spirits who govern the consciousness of each of individual star, right? Otherwise, the poor Auphanim would mostly do nothing... I imagine they'd be so bored...

The fixed stars can be either part of the zodiac signs, yet most of them are extra-zodiacal. Probably the best known fixed stars are the 15 Behenian Stars the ancients considered as being special for some reason (I'm not an erudite, so don't ask me why because idk!). But these stars do not have spirit attributions either! This kinda pisses me off because I'm used to working with spirits one-on-one and commanding them, not just to "praying for a miracle". The idea of getting in touch with actual spirits of these stars stuck to me, but unfortunately I had little time to do anything about it, being super busy... "facilitating people's access to God". 

But now something is pushing me towards doing something about that, even though I have no idea when I can start. So I'm putting this method out there in hope someone will see it and try it out. Now I'm digressing a bit, saying that this whole occult environment is stagnating heavily in my opinion. Except for a few people I've come across (Scott being one of them), most are stuck in the distant past and refuse to see anything beyond the edge of their olde bookes. Now, how dafuq is the occult gonna progress and evolve if we're constantly looking back and debating about the right way of blowing horns to spirits, for instance? Whatever progress is being made in the occult field is mostly the result of people figuring out which version of the same image from the grimoires is older, while little or no attention is being directed towards coming up with something NEW for a change... And even when something new comes up, it's mostly an adaptation of ye olde stuff.

The hell with that, I say! I mean, people can do whatever they want for all I care, but I'm the kind of guy who seeks to explore uncharted territories: if the pussy had unknown "bottons", for instance, I'd find them! This reminds me of someone who asked me wtf is the uncharted territory I'm exploring, to which I did not reply because it was obvious to me the person was not ready to experience the sort of thing they were casually (with an underlying dose of irony) asking about (Pssst! Hey! Buy *this* and use it on yourself. If you don't go mad through the process, your life will gradually improve.). I'm well aware people are gonna be pointing their fingers screaming UPG  (unverified personal gnosis), but who dafuq cares??? It's experiments that push the (occult) world forward and make progress happen, instead of going round in circles asperging and fumigating! And btw, the Golden Dawn have also based some of the attributions and magical powers on experimental results ;) And if more people happen to come across the same spirits of the fixed stars, it stops being UPG and, according to Ye Highest Authority in the occult, it becomes VPG (verified personal gnosis). Later on it becomes incorporated into traditions and so forth. Allegedly...

Anyway, moving on with the method. Since these stars require specific election times, I have considered incorporating this approach into the method for encountering their spirits. The simplest election for working with the fixed stars is when the star of choice is rising or culminating, i.e. conjunct the Ascendant or Midheaven. Now, there are a lot of fixed stars out there, many of them being malefic in nature, so I would not recommend people should start with those. For this example I have chosen a pretty star, the highly benefic Behenian star, Spica. Here's its lovely sigil:

Spica is located at 24*05' Libra, therefore the working is to be performed when the Ascendant or Midheaven is close to that degree. Here's the chart for Spica rising:

And here it is for Spica culminating:

No need to pay attention to the rest of the chart, or even to the fact the Moon might be Void of Course, since this working is not for practical purposes. It would be better for the Moon not to be Void or transiting through Scorpio or Capricorn, and no planet is conjunct, square, or opposite that location though - yes, Jupiter and Venus conjunct that location would be awesome for Spica talismans, but not necessary in this case. I know some occultist follow some olde methods of using intermediary spirits that would facilitate them access to other entities, the latter usually being of a higher rank than the former. I for one do the opposite, following the ever so Christian-based approach of the WMT. I may be an extreme unorthodox Orthodox Christian, but Hristos Pantocrator! :) What that means is that I conjure from the top down, using the highest to command the lowest, thus having no need to bargain my way through hierarchies and plead to have doors open to me. But that's just me and anyone can do as they please, for it's none of my concern.

For this reason I propose one is to call on Raziel (Resh-Zain-Yod-Aleph-Lamed) at the moment of the working. Additionally, he or she can call on Auphan (Aleph-Vau-Peh-Nun [Final]). The person can make use of Scott's ritual for Chockmah or my ritual for Raziel (and switch the name to Auphan in both cases). The Rose Cross can be used to generate the sigil for either of the two:

There is no need to ask for any initiation (charge any talisman), but only to get the spirit there at the moment of the working. I usually work with Raziel based on Saturn times, since the sephira of Saturn stands in for all three supernals and the heaven of Saturn is right below that of the fixed stars. Therefore, the day and hour of Saturn would be in order, or any Saturn hour throughout the week. However, since the working is conditioned by Spica rising or culminating, a Saturday would suffice, regardless of the planetary hour at the time of the working.

As such, one is to select a Saturday and observe when Spica is rising or culminating. They are to cast the circle at that time, locking their operation in that moment. The sigil of Spica along with that of Raziel and/or Auphan (in case you want both of them present) should be on the altar. The person is then to conjure either or both of the spirits. The next step implies interacting with the spirit(s), yet this interaction can vary based on the individual skills of the person who performs the operation. Some people can scry, actually seeing (and hearing) the spirit they have conjured in the dark mirror/crystal ball/whatevah (others can even conjure spirits into physical appearance, so real they kick your ass it leave physical booboo!). Others will scry mentally, the spirit appearing in their mind's eye. Others will use divination tools such as tarot, I Ching, runes, geomes, and such for communicating with the spirit. You can also use a humble pendulum - tie a small weight to a string. 

I for one can't scry into a physical device, yet I can hear spirits, although not as well as Kelley. So I prefer to scry in my mind. If you chose this method, don't be amazed if Raziel/Auphan "takes you" on a tour of the starry sky. This is not mandatory, but they know better how to help someone, based on the request and the uniqueness of the person, as well as the person's needs. 

Whichever the case, ask Raziel/Auphan to bring you the... I was gonna say head spirit, but I don't want to end up in some senseless debate ;) The spirit ruling Spica: it's angel, or whatever (or daemon, if you're Pagan AF like Nick). Then await for messages. You can either "see" the spirit through scrying both in a device and mentally, feel it, hear it, or simply receive an answer from Raziel/Auphan the spirit has arrived. In case it does not arrive, then Raziel/Auphan would have a reason for not bringing forth said spirit, in which case you can ask for that reason. But let's say the spirit arrives. Ask for its name. Ask for a number, which is what Scott recommends, and then look up that number in Sepher Sephirot, observing whether any part of the description of that number matches something of Spica (its power, location in the zodiac by sign, etc). You can even ask for a sigil, although you can make one later on by using the letters of the spirit's name. Ask anything else you might want to ask.

When you're done, offer the spirits a tea light and some incense and license them to depart. Write down your experience, in case you were not able to make notes while interacting with the spirits. You can meditate on your experience later on if you feel like it. Then put your findings to the test.

Select a Friday with Spica rising and culminating, because Friday is ruled by Venus and Venus rules Libra and Spica is located in the sign Libra (even though it's part of the constellation of Virgo, but that's not important) and Libra... annoying, aren't I? :) Anyway, select a Friday when Spica is rising or culminating. Conjure its spirit and direct it to do something based on the powers of Spica (moneys and the like). This time, observe any possible hard aspects of planets to that degree (25th of Libra) and perform the operation at another time if such aspects are present, especially from Saturn, Mars, and the outer planets (Pluto is close to a perfect square to that location, so you can select another star or go ahead with this example). Also check the Moon, as it would be best to be waxing, not Void, and free from hard aspects. Set a time frame for the spirit to do it. Since we're talking about spirits of stars not planets, set a larger time frame. See what happens. If you get good results you can repeat the above method with other fixed stars. If you're successful, I'm sure your name will become famous for many centuries to come, so make sure you write a few books about it. Make sure you add some details from your personal notes in them books. I heard it's catchy ;)


Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

PS: Venus enters its decan in Scorpio later today so you can make a Picatrix decan talisman with that decan over the next 8 days or so. It's about forced sex and such ;)


  1. Hello. I found your blog on Scott's site and I find this article fascinating. However, my question revolves around what you said about Raziel (or Auphan) having the ability to connect us with the spirits of the zodiac and the fixed stars. I admit I am too much of a beginner to benefit fully from the advanced workings of this article. However, what caught my interest was the idea that an archangel of a sphere can connect us with any spirit of that domain which is something I thought only ones personal HGA could do.

    Hence, can Raziel also connect us with any spirit from the entire tree of life or would the respective archangel of that path and sphere be more appropriate? I ask because I have seen just ONE author state that he successfully calls Raziel to call upon any spirit, chthonic or angelic.

  2. Hi and thank you for your comment. These blogger updates make it hard for me to reply because the text keeps jumping off after each word I type, so I'm sorry of it will come across as dodgy.

    From my understanding of and my experience with the "HGA phenomenon" (I'm referring to it as such because there's a debate regarding its nature, but it's pointless to go into it now), this entity can help the one who's made contact with it connect with any entity, it being one's personal connection to the Big Guy and so it's imparting that authority unto the person.

    I've had a history with Raziel with respect to using astrology in magical workings in various ways and so it seemed like a no brainer to me to call on him in regards to spirits that belong to his sphere. He is a sort of CEO within that sphere, just like any other archangel is within their respective spheres, so he can obviously bring forth any spirit within the hierarchy of that sphere. I think he would be very appropriate for calling on chthonic spirits, just as any celestial spirit would, since the higher commands the lower.

    I have yet to experiment with calling on Raziel to have him bring forth a spirit of another sphere though. I don't see why it wouldn't work, especially with spirits belonging to spheres lower than Chockmah. But for practical purposes I for one would call on the leading spirit of the respective sphere I want to work with, then call on the spirits serving under it and sending all of them to achieve a task. This is because I followed Scott's to send spirits covering all levels within a sphere to achieve a task works better than sending just one.

    So if you were to call on Raziel and have him bring forth say, Tiriel, and then send Tiriel off to manifest XYZ in the physical I think it can work. But I think it would work fer better to call on Raphael, Tiriel and Taphthartharath (Albus and/or Conjunctio, depending on your needs) and send all of them to manifest that thing.
