"Getting down and dirty: Astrology and love spells" from Asteria 2 offers readers useful information with respect to astrological implications in relationships and how those implications can enforce or hinder love spells. Black Moon Lilith, BML or Lilith in short, is ever so present among that information because its energies can and will subject people to great intensity if the synastry conditions are right. This happens regardless of whether some take them into account or otherwise, especially them holier-than-thou "experts" who don't believe even the energies of the (physical) planets affect life on Earth, let alone something as apparently meager as a fictional point.
While there are more than a few possible synastry combinations BML can be involved in, the hard ones being addressed in The Magick of Astrorelationships, there are undeniable patterns such synastry aspects generate both between and within two individuals who share them. These patterns can be noticed by an outside observer as well as someone who's experiencing them themselves. Both objective and subjective perspectives complement each other and reveal a clearer picture of the patterns.