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Saturday, December 28, 2024

Fantastic lunar election

Whether you're doing a Moon ritual, making a lunar talisman or a simple lunar petition, the following election is as good as they get. I would recommend using it for making a lasting talisman for beneficial goals.

The date is set for my location, but feel free to adjust it to yours. Also, you can juggle a bit with the chart to see whether the Moon rising or culminating will suit your needs better. Mind you though, depending on your location, you might not get the Moon in its decan although that shouldn't be a cause for worrying.

In the above chart the culminating waxing Moon is exalted, in triplicity and in its decan. It is applying to a sextile with Saturn and in a separating sextile with Venus. It's not involved in any hard applyig or separating aspects.

If you're interested in acquiring specific elections don't hesitate to contact me.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Ominous Christmas astro forecast

The chart is set for my location at noon sharp, but take heed of this aspect even if you're living further to the west or east. Moon in Scorpio is not such a pleasant time for a holiday. I imagine families getting together in larger or smaller numbers and instead of enjoying themselves, they may end up remembering old grudges and settling old scores.

Additionally, this Christmas will bless us with a not so beautiful Moon square Mars retro. Mars in Leo can be tyrant or at least extremely bossy and the fact it's retro will probably cause people to boil with rage. They will probably release that rage in the form of venomous stings toward others so you can imagine this isn't the best setting for a holiday gathering. I wouldn't exclude termpers to flair as well, but I suspect the former scenario is more likely to play out. Nevertheless, do be careful and try drinking yourself to sleep instead of into a fight (like someone I know).

To complicate matters even more, the Moon's transit through Scorpio begins with a harsh square with Pluto. This should cast an underlying uneasy feeling of compulsiveness over people, somethig totally not good to begin the festivities with.

The aspect will be exact around late afternoon, early evening my time, just when people are usually in the midst of thir Christmas dinner, hence why I've chosen this timezone for the chart. But be aware of it regardless of timezone, especially if you start partying early on or party well into the night.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Eclipse effects

You can find out more about this phenomenon in our article on eclipses as well as in Asteria 1, as well as in an article in Asteria 2.

On April 8 this year there was a total solar eclipse over North America. I remember telling Señor Shaman and Mr. Farrell at the time I foresee a tremendous change for the US for the long run. That change seems to have manifested with last month's elections, but I'm sure it had been brewing ever since the ominous event.

A solar eclipse is said to cause the death of kings, or at least their fall from power. In our day and age this would translate to people in power, such as presidents or prime ministers depending on the constitution. Suddenly, some time after the eclipse the president in office announced he would not run for the upcoming elections and instead his VP would run instead.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Fizzling out

More than a few times I've addressed the issue of spells eventually fizzling out, compared to talismans that are ongoing (or at least until they're decommissioned or destroyed). I also spoke of magical results not being permanent.

The two phenomena work hand in hand in my opinion, especially when the desired result has manifested. When that happens it means the energy set into motion by the ritual has grounded itself, bringing the desired outcome into the mundane. It has done so by navigating through obstacles, even smashing though some, the effects of which weakening it. I elaborate on the nature of he obstacles in Words.

Even weaker, it was still able to make things happen, something that drained it even further.  Then, after materializing, whatever punch in may still have will disperse either suddenly or gradually. Goal manifested, success achieved, moving on.