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Friday, December 20, 2024

Ominous Christmas astro forecast

The chart is set for my location at noon sharp, but take heed of this aspect even if you're living further to the west or east. Moon in Scorpio is not such a pleasant time for a holiday. I imagine families getting together in larger or smaller numbers and instead of enjoying themselves, they may end up remembering old grudges and settling old scores.

Additionally, this Christmas will bless us with a not so beautiful Moon square Mars retro. Mars in Leo can be tyrant or at least extremely bossy and the fact it's retro will probably cause people to boil with rage. They will probably release that rage in the form of venomous stings toward others so you can imagine this isn't the best setting for a holiday gathering. I wouldn't exclude termpers to flair as well, but I suspect the former scenario is more likely to play out. Nevertheless, do be careful and try drinking yourself to sleep instead of into a fight (like someone I know).

To complicate matters even more, the Moon's transit through Scorpio begins with a harsh square with Pluto. This should cast an underlying uneasy feeling of compulsiveness over people, somethig totally not good to begin the festivities with.

The aspect will be exact around late afternoon, early evening my time, just when people are usually in the midst of thir Christmas dinner, hence why I've chosen this timezone for the chart. But be aware of it regardless of timezone, especially if you start partying early on or party well into the night.

With that out of the way, let's see how the heavens can endorse magical operations in relation to the seven classical planets and the nodes.

Saturn is weak, slow after the lest retro and it will be weaker still after entering Aries, then going retro again, etc. It's also involved in a quite lasting square with Jupiter. Don't expect a stronger Saturn for a few years at least.

Jupiter is still retro and very week. It will only enter its sign of exaltation in Cancer well into next year so we only have to wait for that.

Mars is retro and will get even weaker after returning to Cancer. After many more months it will become stronger once it enters the third decan of Leo.

The Sun is peregrine yet a little over two weeks away from entering its decan in Capricorn where it will be a bit stronger. Afterwards it'll be very weak for a month in Aquarius and peregrine for another month while transiting Pisces before becoming exalted.

Venus is peregrine but days away from its sign of exaltation in Pisces. Even then, watch out for its conjunction with Saturn an square with Jupiter.

Mercury is in exile in Sagittarius and still very slow after its retro. It's also involved in a quick opposition with Jupiter (so be careful not to be swindled imo). Best wait for it to enter Aquarius if you want to benefit from it to a greater extent.

As we've seen the Moon is as it is and also waning. New Moon will occur in Capricorn so not quite an auspicious time to use magically. However, there's a great opportunity to work with its forces later on and I will post a specific article covering that.

The lunar nodes will change signs soon, with North Node entering Pisces and South Node entering Virgo. The chart shows them in a separating square with the Sun, which will quickly pass.


  1. Can aspects work in some tandem?
    Like Mercury Square Neptune gives fogged thinking,miscommuncation ,even lying but Mercury Conjunction Saturn in the same natal keeps it's influence lmited !So it s somehow a good thing!
    In astrology it seems there s more negative aspects then positive,rarely someone has things balanced within itself!

  2. Aspects always work in tendem and it'd be best to look for trines or at least sextiles.

  3. Is there a age where Malefics have reduced influence...like stop trying destroy s person s psyche or life ?

  4. I think this question is rhetorical otherwise I don't understand it's reasoning or purpose.
