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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Venus post-retro

Venus will be retrograde between March 2 and April 13, between 10°50' Aries and 24°37' Pisces. It will thus do an about face in its sign of exile and return into that of its exaltation.

Naturally, beneficial magical operations involving the planet's forces should be avoided during this time. Unless you're a money hungry wannabe who sells stuff made irrespective of astro times. Anyway, Venus' return into Pisces shouldn't raise our hopes too much either.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Working with Guardian Angel

"Go on, dum-dum."
Now that I’ve announced the Angels of the Birth Chart thing and I already went into details regarding how one can benefit from interacting with their Guardian Angel, I will detail on my latest experiences. The first one began late last year while the second one about a couple of weeks go. Given I’ve had more of the former, I will address it and may speak of the latter at some future time after I’ve tested things in more detail.

Back in November last year I did my daily practice as a communion with my Crowley-HGA and my “good” and “bad” angels. I usually use this as daily practice, instead of regular practical rituals, during extended Voids of Course or at times the Moon is not reflecting light. The reasons for this should be obvious upon reading Asteria.

Upon asking them for help and guidance I was told to close my eyes and relax, as usual. Then I was instructed to focus on my heart.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Energies of a place

Several years before I began occult practice I used to watch certain TV shows that addressed esoteric topics,  featuring various guests. 

One such guest spoke of a magician being able to change the energies of a place. In his example, a magician moved into a condo where junkies used to hang every evening inside the ground floor hallway and basically do their shit, creating all sorts of unpleasantness for the people living there. Some time after the magician moved in, the junkies were gone. The newer energies of the place, having been set into motion by the magician, manifested in ways that kicked the junkies out for good. Those ways can consist of police raids, tenants uniting to throw out the trash, etc.

These things can be done for good, such as presented in the script for my ritual for a home. They can also be done on a regular basis, through periodic rituals targeting a certain building or area. The latter will wear off after some time unless the rituals are anchored into talismans that have to be placed inside the targeted zone, but even so,  the talismans are susceptible to being found and destroyed or discarded. The former will be longlasting, even without being anchored into a talisman, at least until such time the magician decides to change the energies again.